wu liao

Friday, July 27, 2007


袋著一個環保袋... 多諷刺!!!


boss' boss' boss

today (thu) was the business case presentation day... the big big boss (the boss of my big boss of my direct boss) was there, his left / right hand was there, big boss was there, the inquisitive boss of the adjacent team was there, and my direct boss arrived from the airport just in time for my presentation...

with the support of my direct boss and my big boss, the business case was passed exceptionally smooth in less then 30 minutes... the big big boss even wanted us to start the project right away and asked big boss to solve the problem of not having the budget this year (as the project was not in this year's budget)... lucky me!


Sunday, July 15, 2007


had a week of lean training, which was the first week of a 3-week programme...

an impression of lean is that it's a dehumanizing tool, or human-mechanising / robotizing tool... it doesn't want/need the workers to think, it doesn't want the workers to idle, when idle /waiting time is identified, it's to be eliminated by balancing work, reducing headcount...

its core is takt time, it's called takt because the ultimate outcome of lean is to have the process running in a clock clicking "takt takt takt takt" way -- rhythmic, mono, stable, consistent, predictable...

do you want to be part of the takt?


Monday, July 09, 2007

found it...

not by me, but by k... thanx... :D



Federer & Nadal

5 sets, over 4 hours... an exciting game...

Sports competition is always tough and cruel... 成王敗寇... no one can win all the games, and how to face failure and loss -- yourself, in front of your opponent, and in front of millions of on-site and over-the-television spectators -- requires exceptional EQ...

Tried to find the past 4 opponents against Federer at Wimbledon finals but to no avail... no one thought about that people may be interested in it?


Sunday, July 08, 2007

healthy day...

i have a lot of fruits today...
green grapes...
and now cherry tomatoes...
there is still another pear waiting for me in the hotel room, but i think i have to pass it...


Create but not displayed?

i just arrived at a hotel in dongguan... i tried to check my and my friends' blogs @ blogspot.com but it says the webpages can't be found...

however... i can still go to blogger.com... get logged on, and create this post... but if i try to click and check my own blog, it says again 'cannot find server'...




聽'在晴朗的一天出發'archive, 被歌詞吸引了... 細聽, 原來是久違了的孫耀威

Source: http://www.lyricshornet.com/1286048/%E5%AD%AB%E8%80%80%E5%A8%81-%E8%87%AA%E6%84%9B-Lyrics

孫耀威 自愛

一開手機怨氣話已驟來 來提我給妳一切的傷害 一關手機這秒已經不在 無人接聽不可叫結局更改

很多種戀愛我亦愛不來 明瞭到斬痛需要些忍耐 很多種戀愛只長出青苔 未累到枯死應要盡快鬆開

為了牽強得到我 妳眼睛已紅了那麼多 但妳面容喜怒 崩潰得雙方都知不妥 說愛都有點錯

妳愛我就不要再問 不需要強忍 不需要再為我去擔心 說愛我就不會是恨 不管那責任 太多猜想猜想到晚上更抖震 怕痛就不要再問 不哭最勇敢 糾纏才會傷身 分開了但始終都掛心 來日我聽到問到妳的新聞 都會吸引

開一屋燈四野沒有別人 從前妳給我的愛已封塵 熄一屋燈我已沒身邊人 誰明我一位都有半份開心

許多知己也會話我好人 而和妳只會一輩子不幸 許多相戀也靠內心親近 為何我花光一切剩了惻隱

用窘迫去鎖緊我 妳怎麼會沒愛也不可 在妳漫長生命 不應該只懂得喜歡我 愛到方法出錯

妳愛我就不要再問 不需要強忍 不需要再為我去擔心 說愛我就不會是恨 不管那責任 太多猜想猜想到晚上更抖震 怕痛就不要再問 不哭最勇敢 糾纏才會傷身 分開了但始終都掛心 來日我聽到問到妳的新聞 仍然會吸引

妳愛我就不要再問 不需要強忍 不需要再為我去歡欣 說愛我就不會是恨 不管那責任 太多猜想猜想到每日煩惱自尋 妳怕痛就不要再問 不哭最勇敢 只要還有胸襟 分開了但始終都掛心 來日我聽到問到妳的新聞 都會興奮

一開手機愛意話已驟來 來提我心軟不要妳等待 一關手機愛意也許不在 唯求妳懂得怎去自愛  我不需刻意又再 避開


long lost memory...

hadn't checked my friends' blogs for the last 3 weeks, so i spent more than half an hour to update myself... and i found a's blog mentioning a song that's long lost in my memory.... checked it out in youtube and here is the song: bizarre love triangle by frente!...


the original version was by New Order, but i prefer frente! version... in wikipedia, it mentions that it was remade into Mandarin, "Yi Ge Ren", by Sandy Lam, and by Korean singer Ash and simply titled "B.L.T"...


3 weeks without blogging here...

have been tied up at work ever since i left project g and joined project i...
have been throwing unwanted books...
have been scanning things i want to keep and throw the originals away...
have been taking pics of my collections and keeping the minimum...
have been populating my collection blogs...

i have not started working on my assignment due in less than 3 weeks...
i have not been updating my book collection list...
i have not been ready for my business trip this evening...
