wu liao

Friday, August 31, 2007


唔唔... 是否應該帶些到他方鄉下呢?

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為期五天的考試長征由明天開始, 同學們共勉之... 非同學們請予以無限祝福... :)



部門同事另有高就, 轉入銀行界, 替人高興之餘, 不禁慨歎為何身邊人(親戚們, 朋友們, 舊同事們,現任同事, 友人之親戚... 等等) 都走入金融界, 何時才輪到我?

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Monday, August 27, 2007


wu liao (but not meaning that i am not busy), and counted my remaining days in HK... and i'll have exactly 31 days in HK by the end of 2007, 5 days here, 7 days there etc., the 31 days are split into 3 chunks... sounds a lot, but really not much...


Sunday, August 19, 2007


一向 prefer passenger seat to driver seat...

上回駕車已經是上世紀的事, 還記得那一次從加國回來, 左右不分, 駕著借來的Mercedes 500 SEL 左轉過了對面線, 正正對著迎面而來的另一輛Mercedes, 和對面駕車者四目交投, 真是笑死多過嚇死.

今回, 為著總部之旅, 不得不跟 driver seat 再續前緣, 能否情投意合, 且待下回分解...

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Saturday, August 18, 2007


ha, got 2 letters from octopus and my bank about return $$$ to my account... didn't know i was one of the victims between 2000 - 2006 until now :P


Saturday, August 11, 2007


pronounced as 'yo-sock'... meaning 'You Offer Soya Sauce, I Offer Chicken', per HF Lam, one of the most popular management tactics...


Friday, August 10, 2007

One more down?

heard that ritz will be closing down... :o :o :o


Tuesday, August 07, 2007


上星期經過冰場, 它正播著一首情歌, 聽得我呆了, 聽得我的心隱隱作痛, 聽得我的腳步不知不覺停下來...
但是現在怎樣找, 也找不回那旋律, 那歌詞, 腦袋就像空空的, 連是誰唱的也記不起...

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Thursday, August 02, 2007

roller-coaster weeks

After last week's presentation to boss' boss' boss, and then 3 full days of MBA classes during the weekend, plus the completion of a super difficult (to me) overdue assignment... this week seems like the harvest week:

Tuesday, i got a good mark for the assignment (surprise!)...
Wednesday, boss treated the whole team to habitu @ cwb...
Today (Thursday), i got the results of my part 2 exams and all subjects are passed (surprise! surprise!)

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