wu liao

Saturday, March 11, 2006


got delayed by a phone call this morning, so took a taxi to my improvement appointment... the driver had a radio programme on which the presenter was giving advice on buying/selling shares (adopted version):
主持: 幾時買的?
聽眾: XX買的...
主持: 幾錢買的?
聽眾: $4.5買的...
主持: 買了幾多?
聽眾: XX股...
主持: 唔... $4.7 放啦... 應該可以到價的
聽眾: $5.1 得唔得呀?
主持: 你想... 口羊?
聽眾: 唔係, 問吓口者...
Remember there is another radio program on which the presenter gives advice on love (adopted version):
主持: 幾時識的?
聽眾: XX識的...
主持: 點識的?
聽眾: XX識的...
主持: 他一腳踏兩船幾耐?
聽眾: XX...
主持: 唔... 跟他分手啦...
聽眾: 唔分得唔得呀?
主持: 你想... 口羊?
聽眾: 唔係, 問吓口者...


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