wu liao

Sunday, April 16, 2006


(to protect a young fellow's identity, please don't guess or try to confirm who he is...)
a young fellow has been in his new contract job in an international firm for 2 months... he told me he's planning to leave:
- he doesn't see his boss or fellow colleagues talented;
- he learns nothing from the job - most of his time is spent on photocopying;
- his boss scolds him no matter what, even when he asks questions;
- his team members are all contractors and they don't support one another -- they don't even talk so he is like working in a library;
- he said the culture of the company ( or at least that of his department) is not agreeable to him;
- he said he is an early sleeper and the long hour of photocopying leaves him over time to do his real work and he doesn't have enough personal time for his study of the coming professional examination in June...
he's earning 5-digit monthly salary... he's had only 1 year of previous working experience and is now titled xxx analyst...
my reaction is: is it really that bad? is it really that unbearable? is there really no turnaround regarding the team and/or the boss and/or the situation? if he were to support the family, pay his own rent, support his ownself, would he so easily think about quitting? is it just he, or is it the new generation that 受不得苦?
p.s. is it really 苦? if i were to be paid 5 digit number to photocopy, would i not 'lur farn ying'?


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