wu liao

Sunday, December 31, 2006


A 問為何沒有散水餅? 皆因散水餅易致肥, 所以我買散水糖水替代 -- 滋潤, 養顏嘛

不過, 甚麼是散水火腩?

Friday, December 29, 2006

Last Day

What constitute a Last Day?
- 散水飯
- 散水糖水
- 散水電郵
- 散水會談 - 跟老頂
- 散水會談 - 跟人事部有關人士
- 散水握手
- 散水拍照
- 散水抱抱
- 散水禮物
- 散水恭賀
- 散水祝願
- 散水洗杯, 收壺, 清檯, 執櫃...
- 散水碎紙
- 散水毀屍滅跡 - 清除電腦私人檔案, IM...
- 當然不少得散水吹水...

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Hours of sleep at Christmas

30... yeah yeah yeah!!!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Food consumed at Christmas

hmm... this is a bit tricky... let me think... i've had (not in any order):
  • haagen dazs ice-cream summer berries & cream
  • mandarin oriental high tea
  • pizza hut super hawaiian pizza + tuna & sausage fusilli + spicy wings
  • home made soup of 2 kinds
  • snake king two duck sausage
  • chinese new rice from 'yi shi'
  • lettuce
  • microwave pizza
  • japanese instant noodles
  • vietnamese sausage
  • apples
  • soy milk
  • grape fruit juice
  • machiato
  • maxims' chinese 'pang cai'
  • luncheon meat
  • pop corns with cashew nuts

Movies watched at Christmas

watched Bridget Jones's Diary and Love Actually... fantastic!!!

Bridget Jones's Diary
Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0243155/plotsummary

Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) is an average woman struggling against her age, her weight, her job, her lack of a man, and her many imperfections. As a New Year's Resolution, Bridget decides to take control of her life, starting by keeping a diary in which she will always tell the complete truth. The fireworks begin when her charming though disreputable boss (Hugh Grant) takes an interest in the quirky Miss Jones and the ups and downs of their ill-fated relationship prove hilarious and touching at once. Thrown into the mix are Bridget's band of slightly eccentric friends and a rather disagreeable acquaintance (Colin Firth) who Bridget cannot seem to stop running into or help finding quietly attractive.
Summary written by Anuja Varghese

Can a single woman over 30, who smokes too much, drinks too much, and has a tendency to say whatever comes into her mind, find her place in the world... and a man? Bridget Jones is an assistant at a London book publisher, feeling time pass her by. When Daniel Cleaver, her boss, starts flirting with her in a vulgar way, she plunges straight in. An affair ensues and she's head over heels. She also keeps running into Mark Darcy, a reserved even stiff barrister who has known her since she was a child young enough to frolic naked in his wading pool, seems to look down his nose at her, and hates Cleaver (truth is, Daniel may be a bit of a bounder). What are Bridget's choices?
Summary written by {jhailey@hotmail.com}

Love Actually
Source: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0314331/plotsummary

The characters are falling in love, falling out of love, some are with right people, some are with the wrong people, some are looking to have an affair, some are in the period of mourning; a capsule summary of reality. Love begins and love ends. They flirt a lot. They are all flirting with love. At all ages and social levels, love is the theme. Romantic love and brotherly love is the hotchpotch through out the movie. Most of the movie is filmed in London, during Christmas and the characters all ended up at Heathrow airport a very uplifting note.
Summary written by Rosemea D.S. MacPherson

Christmas time in England, and unusual things going on round. Some people are falling in love, then breaking up or some people just desperately lonely and still looking for that someone special. This is a story about 8 people who follow their hearts and show love or anger. If you look carefully around 'Love Actually' is all around you...
Summary written by Kritika Singh

Set almost entirely in London, England during five frantic weeks before Christmas follows a web-like pattern of inter-related, losely related and unrelated stories of a dozen or more various individuals with their love lives, or lack of them. The central character is the new bachelor prime minister David (Hugh Grant) who cannot express his growing feelings for his new personal assistant Natalie (Martine McCutcheon). The prime minister's older sister Karen (Emma Thompson) slowly grows aware of her husband Harry's (Alan Rickman) flirtation with an office worker named Mia (Heike Makatsch). Karen's friend Daniel (Liam Neeson) is a recently widowed writer whose 11-year-old son asks for love advice about a girl he has a crush on. Meanwhile, Jamie (Colin Firth) is another writer who leaves his girlfriend after catching her cheating on him and travels to France to write a novel where he pursues a possible romance with his non-English speaking Portuguese maid Aurelia (Lucia Moniz). Also, Harry's American secretary Sarah (Laura Linney) questions a romance she pursues with the office hunk Karl (Rodrigo Santoro), but her personal family problems get in the way. Other secondary characters involve a photographer who pursues his best friend's new wife Juliet (Keira Knightley); a pair of movie stand-ins, named John and Judy, who grow closer after their simulated love scenes; a libidinous chum who wants to travel to Wisconsin, USA to score with women; and a burned-out former rock star named Billy Mack (Bill Nighy) who is the main connection between all stories involved.
Summary written by Matt Patay

Love is all around us. And that's certainly true for all of these people. John (Martin Freeman) and Just Judy (Joanna Page) have fallen in love with each other while on the set of an erotically charged film. David (Hugh Grant) has just become the new Prime Minister. The second he steps into his office/home, he is smitten with Natalie (Martine McCutcheon), his catering manager who had already screwed up at the first minute. David's sister is Karen (Emma Thompson), who's married to Harry (Alan Rickman), who runs a local magazine. Harry is somewhat smitten by his secretary, Mia (Heike Makatsch), who is constantly hitting on him. Harry's best editor is Sarah (Laura Linney), who has a brother in the asylum and a not-so-hidden crush on Karl (Rodrigo Santoro), who has a thing for her as well. Karen is friends with both Daniel (Liam Neeson), who has just lost his wife and has discovered that his stepson (Thomas Sangster) is in love with a young American girl, and Jamie (Colin Firth), whose girlfriend (Sienna Guillory) has just left him for his younger and more attractive brother (Dan Fredenburgh), forcing him to move to France to continue writing his novel while falling for Aurelia (Lúcia Moniz), a young Portuguese woman who can't speak a lick of English or French. Juliet (Keira Knightley) has just married Peter (Chiwetel Ejiofor), not realizing that his best friend Mark (Andrew Lincoln) has loved her since they first met. Colin (Kris Marshall) is desperate to have sex and believes that in order to do that, he should travel to Wisconsin because he thinks that American women will dig him for being British. And Billy Mack (Bill Nighy), an old rocker who is climbing back up the charts after battling his old heroin addiction, is on the radio and TV shows either bad-mouthing his new CD, insulting his manager, Joe (Gregor Fisher), or a hot new boy band, or calling Britney Spears the worst sex he's ever had. Are you still following along?
Summary written by Will

Greatest accomplishment at Christmas

I finanlly sent out my first draft of Managing Performance assignment this morning for tutor's review!!! HURRAY!!!

叮噹 與 IQ 博士

two days in a row there was a Ding Dong movie in the morning. Not that I don't like Ding Dong, but I prefer IQ 博士, wonder when will there be a comeback???

Monday, December 25, 2006


Saw this as a personal message after a friend's instant messaging ID:


I vaguely remember this is from 金庸 -- a mother, just before her death, cautions her son with this. Interesting to note, this mother is extremely beautiful in the story.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


i have been very selective in going out these years, i have past the phrase of clubbing or hae-ing meaninglessly... rather i would dine / coffee with a friend or a couple of friends and enjoy small chats and talks...
last nite was a birthday / christmas gathering at t's new home, a big event (in terms of no. of people involved) with lots of fun, look forward to the pictures by a, w and pd :)


Friday, December 22, 2006

是他, 也是他和他

以為是他; 原來是他;
期待是他; 出現是他;
願望是他; 現實是他;
夢迴是他; 夢醒是他;

Another long week...

the week is so long that I have already forgotten what i did, whom i met and where i went this monday... thank god this is friday!!

even better, thanx god this is a loonnngggg week end!!!!!


I always find the terms 冬至 and winter solstice subtle and beautiful...

wish you all a peaceful day...


友人說近來我的 posts 很有意思... 我反問, 以前的沒意思嗎? (you see, classic female logic)
我想, 是友人多心了...
我想, 也是我多心了...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

for 30-ish wor...

楊千嬅 - 我的生存之道
作曲:陳輝陽@好好笑 / 作詞:林夕編曲:陳輝陽@好好笑 / 監制:陳輝陽@好好笑

我決心 喜歡你 像親人 / 唯一得知想法應付 逝去情人 / 如你結婚 別過問 恭喜咀咒也未襯 / 這種命運 遲早光臨 逃命要緊 /

*(仍)沒法可哭出姻緣 總可笑去憂怨 / 如我想清醒再生存 醉一次便算

我有爸媽掛念 事業還望發展 / 仍能活著 未曾靠諾言 / 記憶似病發感染 心卻比水善變 / 再也不相信蜜糖 便信鹽 

我怕爸媽掛住 莫被情字拖欠 / 遺忘昨日 便能記得明天 / 世間有無數喜宴 情人誰來奉獻 / 我有膽 總應該會遇見

*你間中 接觸我 像親人 / 唯一得肯 親我臉旁 令我回魂


念舊會給欺騙 仇人亦會被懷念 / 來天再有夜宴 定寬恕你漸老的臉




臨遞信前夕, 太子爺突然去電大阿姐說要了解甚麼是變革管理, 終於約了今天早上見面.
到了他在頂樓的辦公室談了一個多小時, 分享變革管理和項目管理的點滴, 非常暢快.
太子爺應該比我小, 對人有禮友善, 對改革抱開放 / 學習態度, 假以時日, 應可青出於藍... 聽老同事說, 太子爺曾於低層工作, 學習行業的整個流程, 更令我刮目相看...
看來, 敝公司的股票, 或可以買 (我是不負責任地說說罷了... 有甚麼事, 不要找我... :P)

per request from a...

almost as cute as pompom...

source: amazon birthday card from w (thanx, w jie!!!)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Thank you, a!

I really love this... soooooooooooooooooooooo cute!!!


Sunday, December 17, 2006

Graduation Ceremony

Originally I asked a to help in the afternoon to take a few pictures of my parents and me before the graduation ceremony. However, seeing from his blog that he's been super busy and worked till early in the mornings, I changed my mind and let dad do all the shots.

I missed my first degree graduation ceremony n years ago as I was already in Vancouver and decided the event was not worth flying back for. Therefore this time was the first time my parents witnessed my graduation from a university. Hope they enjoyed the event. :)

The beauty of giving gifts

of course, this is a simplified equation, but you can get the idea:

if A buys x for A-self, A's pleasure is m
if B buys y for B-self, B's pleasure is n
so, the overall pleasure generated is (m+n)

if A buys y for B, and B buys x for A,
A's pleasure is m (from x) plus the pleasure of getting a gift to B
B's pleasure is n (from y) plus the pleasure of getting a gift to A
so, the overall pleasure generated is (m+n) + the additional pleasure of getting gifts to each other

AND, the monetary cost is just the same!!!

Friday, December 15, 2006


星期二, 跟三個新朋友到一美國餐廳吃炸雞翼, 凱撒沙律, 牛柳, 和 lasagne, 盡興而歸... 席間, 其中兩個新朋友更送上禮物 (第三個新朋友說他下個星期送) , 而我也準備了三份禮物給他們, 於是, 禮物交換行動就在沒有約定, 卻大家都有心的情況下進行和完成了... :)

Thursday, December 14, 2006


星期一, 同事丁請客, 送別我和將會離開的同事甲, 決定到荔枝角道一出名但不知名字的大排檔打邊爐... 雖然六點半左右已抵達目的地, 室內的檯卻已全滿, 退而求其次坐街邊, 別有一番風味...


星期天, 契女五點半以前已經準備就諸, 迎接契媽和阿姨們... 怎料大人們都不爭氣, 遲到十分鐘至半小時不等, 真失禮!!!

Saturday, December 09, 2006


五女同行, 一邊烚吓烚吓, 一邊八盡天下事, 痛快痛快!!!

Thursday, December 07, 2006


與其說天下無不爆之秘密, 不如說秘密的期限已過, 秘密已經不再是秘密, 亦無需爆破...

Interview (2 Nov) http://pomxpom.blogspot.com/2006/11/interview.html
一擊即中 (7 Nov)
瘦田冇人耕 (8 Nov)
Four different responses (9 Nov) http://pomxpom.blogspot.com/2006/11/four-different-responses.html
When they like u a lot... (9 Nov) http://pomxpom.blogspot.com/2006/11/when-they-like-u-lot.html
一個又小氣又記仇的人的宴客名單 (13 Nov)
6 more days... (25 Nov) http://pomxpom.blogspot.com/2006/11/6-more-days.html
4 more days... (27 Nov) http://pomxpom.blogspot.com/2006/11/4-more-days.html
2 more days... (29 Nov) http://pomxpom.blogspot.com/2006/11/2-more-days.html
Day 0 (1 Dec) http://pomxpom.blogspot.com/2006/12/day-0.html
數數... (6 Dec) http://pomxpom.blogspot.com/2006/12/blog-post_06.html

somebody thought some posts were referred to some guy... i wish... ;)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Month of presents

In the mood of buying presents, and to see smiles on the faces around me... :)

Eventful month

with christmas, year end, new year, milestone at work, graduation ceremony, and of course my birthday ;) ... a full eventful month... ^o^


怎樣數? 是 Day 5 or Day -5; Day 26 or Day -26?

Monday, December 04, 2006

Same day 6 years ago...

was my first day on 13/F...

Saturday, December 02, 2006


病了數天, 昨晚以後不藥而漸癒... 答案? 與兩美女共進晚餐, 暢談三句鐘... ;)
事實? 同上, 再加Honey -- Manuka 水一瓶...
事實中的事實? 可能我已經把病傳開了... 罪過罪過...



再有<<敬告诸君:请勿对号入座... :) >>

我說呀, 不如就讓大家各自來個對號入座, 爆個不亦樂呼吧!!!!!!!!!!

Day 0

a asked me a question last nite, I told him I didn't know...
I hope today is not the answer, or an indicator, but none-the-less a self-yet-objective-observation -- that i just arrived home from work... it's 00:30 saturday, and there's more after i wake up in the morning...