wu liao

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


07:30 - 22:00...
08:00 - 21:00...


Tim's cafe

had a full day meeting at Lincoln's House, managed to lead part of the team to Tim's Cafe... while the wedges were as tasty, the veggies were still cabbage...
no team members are coffee-drinker, so i went to Cova by myself to order a small coffee... mmm... mmm...


Sunday, January 28, 2007

pros, cons... and tbc (2)

- McDonald's: finally can have McDonald's for lunch... hadn't had that for 18 months... for those who always work in the city area will not be able to understand this urge

- in the past, the cash in my wallet could be untouched for weeks; now, i need to replenish the cash more than once per week...


Sunday, January 21, 2007


have been sick for a week after coming back from guangzhou and dongguan -- temperature, headache, and a pair of painful tonsils... finally went to the chinese doctors on thursday and saturday (skipped on friday 'cus i couldn't leave work until 21:00, while i had started work at 07:30 already...) and thanx to the doctor, i finally feel better now...

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first presentation

Last friday, presented to my team on Project Management and Change Management... it's well recieved... after the presentation, team members separately came over to thank me, and boss gave me his compliment before he left for his weekend...

the greatest thing of all, they see the value of change management... if only i had time to brainwash them on it... hehehe...


Saturday, January 20, 2007


a lesson learned for any interviewees...
I had gone to my new company twice before I started work this year: the first time for interview and the second time for signing the contract. In both cases, i went there at 18:30, and the office was almost deserted. So i said to myself, 'that's a good sign, no need to work late... '

now, i have been with this company for 3 weeks, with the second week in guangzhou and dongguan... the truth is, i leave work mostly between 20:00 and 21:00 and sometimes start work as early as 07:30!!! mentioned my original illusion to the big boss' secretary and we figured out why -- first of all, serveral cubicles near the main entrance area were not occupied, and then for my boss' area, 4 of the 7 team members (including myself) didn't join until this year, and the other 3 fly often... so it explains why the office seemed so deserted...

speechless... ~_~


bu wu liao?

just found out that i haven't blogged for over 2 weeks... it's been a long time since i had such a blogging gap...
man, where did the time go???


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

pros, cons... and tbc

- comfy leather chair with arm and head rest
- window-side cubicle
- > 180-degree harbour view
- BIG pantry
- cool-looking telset
- cool-looking calculator

- dominantly grey furniture
- VERY small cubicle (compare to my previous cubicle with seats for visitor, or even flexidesk)
- max. 10-time visits to chinese herbalist (they just changed medical plan effective 1 Jan, originally there are max. 30-time visits)
- blockage of installation of application (probably won't be able to install YM/MSN either)
- no amah to replenish my drinks and clean my mug

- desktop (instead of a laptop)
- ARIS (instead of VISIO)
- outlook (instead of lotus notes)
- brand-new Chung wah brand pencils that have never been sharpened

post-earthquake blogging

it now takes 5 times more for me to post a blog, if not more... x_x
at least i can still read my friends' blogs...

another small world

another small world @ EXP... first came across w and ak45 who went to the deep end of the restaurant, then s and dc came in and had lunch at another table...

btw, the rice that i ordered was VERY dry with almost no sauce, i had difficulty to chew or swallow... very disappointing...

back to the 'area'

it's been 1x months since i left the 'area' as one of its 'force', and here i am again... it's a bit like deja vu...

Monday, January 01, 2007

