wu liao

Saturday, January 20, 2007


a lesson learned for any interviewees...
I had gone to my new company twice before I started work this year: the first time for interview and the second time for signing the contract. In both cases, i went there at 18:30, and the office was almost deserted. So i said to myself, 'that's a good sign, no need to work late... '

now, i have been with this company for 3 weeks, with the second week in guangzhou and dongguan... the truth is, i leave work mostly between 20:00 and 21:00 and sometimes start work as early as 07:30!!! mentioned my original illusion to the big boss' secretary and we figured out why -- first of all, serveral cubicles near the main entrance area were not occupied, and then for my boss' area, 4 of the 7 team members (including myself) didn't join until this year, and the other 3 fly often... so it explains why the office seemed so deserted...

speechless... ~_~



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