wu liao

Sunday, February 25, 2007


她自彈自唱如無意外, 哭了; 我也哭了...


Another pig bride, another pig babe

feels like everyone is rushing to get them done this year...

while marriage can be arranged at the last minute, if you want to have a piglet/ piggy/ piggie/ piggle-bell etc... you'd better work hard in the coming few weeks to make sure s/he arrives before the year of rat...


The most expensive coffee

Source: wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_Luwak)

Kopi Luwak or Civet coffee is coffee made from coffee cherries which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet (Paradoxurus hermaphroditus). The animals gorge on the ripe berries, and excrete partially-digested beans in their feces, which are then harvested for sale.

Kopi is the Indonesian word for coffee, and luwak is a local name of the Palm Civet (a kind of cat). The raw, red coffee berries are part of its normal diet. The inner bean of the berry is not digested, but it is believed that enzymes in the stomach of the civet add to the coffee's flavor by breaking down the proteins that give coffee its bitter taste. The beans are excreted still covered in some inner layers of the cherry, and locals then gather them and sell them to dealers. The beans are washed, and given only a light roast so as to not destroy the complex flavors that develop through the process. One small cafe in the hills outside Townsville in Northern Australia has Kopi Luwak coffee on the menu at A$50.00 per cup.

In HK, you can find this @ Caprice @ Four Seasons Hotel @ $242 for an 'expresso' size... wanna try?


Saturday, February 24, 2007


女主持說: Love is Love; Make Love is Make Love...




可以偶爾做返細路仔, 是福氣來唷! :)


Wednesday, February 21, 2007


今天開工吉時乃早上九時前, 或早上十一時後...
惟小女子早上因準備午間運動事宜而遲了出門, 早上九時零八分才到公司... 怎麼辦?
嘻嘻, 唯有搞東動西的直到早上十一時後才正式辦公... :P


Monday, February 19, 2007

The measuring stick

How can we measure human capital? This book suggests using these 12 questions, instead of over-hundred-question-employee engagement survey...

Source: First, Break All the Rules by Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman, Simon & Schuster, p.28

1. Do I know what is expected of me at work?
2. Do I have the materials and equipment I need to do my work right?
3. At work, do I have the opportunity to do what I do best every day?
4. In the last seven days, have I received recognition or praise for doing good work?
5. Does my supervisor, or someone at work, seem to care about me as a person?
6. Is there someone at work who encourages my development?
7. At work, do my opinions seem to count?
8. Does the mission/purpose of my company make me feel my job is important?
9. Are my co-workers committed to doing quality work?
10. Do I have a best friend at work?
11. In the last six months, has someone at work talked to me about my progress?
12. This last year, have I had opportunities at work to learn and grow?



Source: HK Magazine (Friday, February 9, 2007) p. 16-17

The Best Breakup Lines From People Around Town

Is that why?
"I don't love you any more. You can't swim."
"You cheated on me... You're not a virgin!"
"My sister says we should break up, and I agree with her."
"I am mentally ill."
"I went out with you only because my aunt suggested it."
"It's my parents, not me."
"We have the same blood type. We can't get married. Let's break up!"
"So I want to take a break because of God."

Cut the crap and...
"Bye, bxxxh!"
"Close the door on your way out."
"I don't bullshit like you do. I just want to say I have never liked you."
"Just ignore me as if I am dead, please."
"Turn off the video camera and get out!!!"
"I never said I liked you!"
"Go fxxk with your Playstation!"

You might not want to know this, but...
"Sorry... We don't get along... I get along with xxx much better."
"It's not that I don't remember the things between us... I just don't miss them."
"You're a really great guy/gal but this other guy/gal I've had a sort of crush on at work just became available..."
"I am sorry... but you are not as good as I've imagined."
"You are really useless. That's why!"
"Love needs money, and you are running out of it."
"I am tired of your 'Hey, what's up?' 'How are you?' and 'Shit! How can I deal with this?'""
"You have too many shortcomings. I am different. Let's break up."
"I have never liked you from the beginning... we were an item because I pitied you for liking me too much."
"I want to get married someday."
"I should probably tell you... I kind of have a girl/boyfriend."

Here's the deal...
"I am paying you to make up for your time wasted on me. Guess we are even now."
"Actually, xxx is quite a good guy/gal... Why don't you give it a try?"

Nothing peresonal, it's just that...
"I miss being happy."
"I've just suddenly realized that I don't want to be tied down to one person."
"I want to be able to tell people I'm single."
"It's nothing personal... I've just lost interest in you."
"I just want to be normal again."
"I need to focus on my rubgy/yoga."
"My xxx is going to yyy and you are holding me back."
"I think we would be better off as friends. But I don't want to see you anymore."

I don't need you anymore...
"I am happy with my life as it is and you are not part of it."
"You are just a rebound."
"I can find someone better that you just by random."
"I need a guy, but not you."
'I got what I needed from you already."

Ending in questions...
"How can I miss you when you won't go away?"
"Can I be your brother/sister instead?"
"Do you think your Mom and Dad will let you move back home?"
"Don't you feel inferior compared to me?"



電視播著不知名的雜錦歌節目, 聽到何韻詩:


其時其實我 不想失去了你 
然而當時 我未能甘於 只擁有你
重回平淡家中等你 計劃明年的婚禮 照舊或延期
能幸福的演到尾 但我好奇
想試試企頒獎台 被讚美
原來就算 終於打了勝仗 
無人在前面的機場 迎來閘門來分享
明明能共你 熱戀中收場
然而當時 有別人專機 催促我上
搭上了客機 竟然從未降落
高空裡 無辦法可以 回去了
你似是風景 縮到最細 消失了
無奈在這刻 你才重要
聽著懷中的心跳 讚造物神奇
其實本應這套戲 能幸福的演到尾
但我好奇 想到處看到處飛
如沒意外到分手結尾 我退出才合理


Sunday, February 18, 2007


吉時出門: 11:30 - 13:00
祝 心想事成, 萬事勝意, 橫行霸道, 恭喜發財!!!



went to a-shop to shop with k and w... i was looking for a pair of sports shoes than i can wear to work, a pair of yoga pants for my yoga class next week, and to have fitting for the customized shoes... k and w were looking for tracksuits, and came to watch my fitting as well...

turned out, k got a white track jacket with matching black pants, w got a black track jacket with red stripes woven with golden thread, and i got the customized shoes fitted and to be made, a stella bag (50% off), a pair of black sports shoes for work and a pair of yoga pants for yoga... mission-to-be-accomplished is to find the matching black pants for w...

this shopping event is 好意頭: 買 "富" 過年嘛 ... on the other hand, buy shoes before the CNY so that no need to buy during CNY month... what a good excuse!!!


Thursday, February 15, 2007


didn't eat at lunch, so went to txx's cafe for tea ~ 16:00 after the workshop at linxxxx house ended... what a coincidence... first came across wcp, then kwl showed up, in between a lady at the same company as pd and bg went into the cafe next door... what's more, bg came with a PSP!!!
at the same time, i was told that mht and wcw had come out as well, but they went to coffee place... ha!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

culture = no plan!?

xxx: culture shouldn't have timeline for its work... i don't want to set a project plan for the culture project (not that you are really the one writing it, I'll be the one working on it, youjust don't even want to brainstorm/think/plan about it...)...

xxx: i don't want to fill in the project team member template, complete the communication plan, or submit the monthly project review report (again, I'm the one doing all those, not you)...

xxx: if they want to do that, fine, but i'll not be involved in it (but you are the sponsor!!!)


feel like owing you!!??

p wrote in a email: Please reivew and let me know your comment by dd mmm yyyy. The updated charter will be sent out the next day for the kickoff the day after. Thanks a lot!

xxx commented: Do not set a timeframe when you ask for comments. I feel like I'm owing you and I don't like this feeling.


speechless (3)

p: I have difficulty seeing how I can contribute more in this project. Would it be more effective if my time and skills can be utilized some where?

b: I think you've got the perfect skills to support this initiatives and would like you to support xxx* to articulate clearly how we get the culture vision infused into yyy and be the facilitator in the initiative execution. Pls let me know if you have adverse views at this.

p: (speechless...)

* xxx = a project sponsor whose aim is not to do any additional work, including this project


Sunday, February 04, 2007


* in reverse-choronlogical order...
- came across the SVP-HR of my previous company @ lane crawford in cwb
- came across an ex-colleague back in the project-in-Central days, haven't seen her for 2+ years
- met ex-colleagues @ one of the ex-colleagues', feel old seeing the new-join guys & gal
- hot-potted with ex-colleagues with great honour
- congee-d with ex-colleagues, one came to hk from singapore for a project, one is leaving my ex-company, one has just got married, two are looking for jobs
- lunch-ed with ex-colleagues and had yummy 'stewed' rice and delicious almond tea with eggwhite, plus free fish show
- came across boss m @ a hotel cafe, with his wife and two princesses, all looked almost exactly the same like the last time i met with them n years ago :o


Thursday, February 01, 2007


自問EQ有番咁上下, 今天也不禁勞氣...
the system replacement project has been a global project and finally it's going to be implemented to HK. It's the first priority among all the initiatives because of its coverage and schedule from the Group...
one of my projects is on financial supply chain (FSC) transformation, which includes model review, structure review, process reengineering and definitely R&R changes. Obviously, there are overlaps in the two projects.
and here comes the sponsor from the other side, who first wants to put her people in my project team and put me in her project team so that the two projects align; and then she wants me to have the system expert to attend my coming 2-day workshop on end-to-end walkthrough and improvement brainstorming workshop!
now, if every project that has to align with other projects need to put a team member/project manager into the other teams, any one team member will have to be in multiple projects... the project team will then be used to deal with cross-project issues while no one will be doing the real project work for each individual project.
and then, brainstorming workshop is to come up with ideas and suggestions without constraints. why will i need an ERP expert to tell me what works or doesn't work during a brainstorming workshop??? that should be done during feasibility study!
a function's transformation should never be system-driven, or even process driven... it should be strategy -> core competencies -> model-driven... without even the core competencies defined, what are they trying to achieve???


one month!?

one part of me says, 'huh? so fast? one month already?' salary has been auto-paid already...

another part of me exclaims, ' no way, only one month? i feel like i've been here for months!!!'
