wu liao

Sunday, April 29, 2007


this month is 白做 with the 2nd installment of salary tax and 3rd installment of the programme tuition fee... :'(

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Time to be in control again...

Ever since the new job, I've lunched and dined out most of the time... and the impact starts creeping in...

Gotta go back to my low-fat low-cholesterol low-sodium small-volume home-made lunchbox for a change for a while and get back in control... :)



i went to 惠記 yesterday mid-afternoon for late lunch+tea, and ordered a dish of roasted duck rice (more sauce) @$22 and a can of cream soda ('cuz they don't have bottle) @$5...
the sauce was as delicious as i had remembered, there was so much rice that i think it was equivalent to 3 bowls of rice, and around 10 - 12 duck breast pieces... the duck skin and meat was juicy but very fat, i had to remove the 5mm-thick fat before i could allow myself to put the pieces into my mouth...
because of my diminishing appetite, i could only finish 5 duck breast pieces and 1/4 of the rice... and i took away the rest...


Saturday, April 28, 2007

studies vs. household-work

when there are studies to do, household-work seems more attractive...


Friday, April 27, 2007

Exam Preparation...

to be formally kick-started... after I wake up in the morning... hehe


Tuesday, April 24, 2007


... 雨量分布圖...
Source: http://www.hko.gov.hk/wxinfo/rainfall/isohyete.shtml


Monday, April 23, 2007

Starbucksian or Pacifician?

i first read this from a's blog, and i couldn't help but found the source to share it here with my friends...
since there is Starbucksian, why not Pacifician? :)

Source: http://appledaily.atnext.com/template/apple_sub/art_main.cfm?&iss_id=20070414&sec_id=38167&subsec_id=38173&art_id=7000428&cat_id=3530509&coln_id=3530511
星 巴 克 和 太 平 洋
既 生 怡 , 何 生 俐 , 大 陸 有 了 章 子 怡 , 為 什 麼 還 有 一 個 鞏 俐 ?
同 理 , 這 個 世 界 , 同 樣 是 咖 啡 帝 國 , 有 了 星 巴 克 ( Starbucks ) , 為 什 麼 還 有 太 平 洋 ( Pacific Coffee ) ?
星 巴 克 的 顧 客 , 年 輕 上 進 , 雖 然 在 香 港 , 時 時 是 保 險 經 紀 向 一 個 新 進 的 CEO 講 解 Policy 文 件 的 熱 門 約 會 點 , 無 論 如 何 比 較 Intellectual , 星 巴 克 的 咖 啡 客 , 是 自 以 為 上 位 有 了 成 就 , 在 社 會 上 初 步 建 立 了 名 聲 的 一 群 。 二 十 七 八 歲 的 年 紀 , 天 不 懼 地 不 怕 的 , 三 五 知 己 , 星 期 五 下 午 坐 在 一 起 , 叫 一 杯 Mocha , 講 完 了 在 IFC 的 公 司 最 近 的 趣 事 , 星 巴 克 的 顧 客 , 通 常 會 展 開 一 個 文 化 話 題 , 就 是 電 影 《 英 女 皇 》 的 悲 劇 意 識 。
太 平 洋 咖 啡 卻 不 同 , 比 起 星 巴 克 客 的 囂 揚 , 太 平 洋 的 常 客 , 比 較 成 熟 而 內 歛 , 許 多 獨 自 在 用 一 部 手 提 電 腦 , 一 杯 卡 普 千 奴 放 在 一 旁 , 他 們 當 然 不 是 在 玩 電 腦 遊 戲 , 而 是 可 能 在 跟 紐 約 華 爾 街 的 一 位 Partner 對 話 。
如 果 Starbucks 是 Kate Blanchett , 那 麼 Pacific Coffee 就 是 Judi Dench 。 雖 然 , 許 多 人 以 為 , 上 星 巴 克 , 被 人 見 到 的 機 會 比 較 高 , 坐 陷 在 那 張 棕 色 的 大 沙 發 , 星 巴 克 的 消 費 客 總 令 人 覺 得 有 兩 分 自 戀 , 他 們 還 很 介 意 社 會 上 的 友 好 同 儕 怎 樣 看 自 己 。 星 巴 克 的 一 黨 , 無 論 如 何 裝 嫻 靜 , 那 份 向 上 爬 的 野 心 , 展 現 在 輕 輕 上 揚 的 眉 毛 間 , 他 們 呷 一 口 咖 啡 , 那 個 手 勢 動 作 , 有 一 種 輕 浮 的 虛 榮 。
太 平 洋 的 顧 客 卻 不 一 樣 。 他 們 比 較 深 沉 , 對 金 融 市 場 的 人 事 和 財 權 鬥 爭 , 總 令 人 感 到 智 珠 在 握 。 他 們 抿 下 唇 , 或 閱 讀 , 或 沉 思 , 或 上 網 , 都 多 幾 分 世 故 與 深 沉 。
如 果 星 巴 克 是 當 年 的 陳 寶 珠 , 那 麼 太 平 洋 咖 啡 店 就 是 蕭 芳 芳 了 ─ ─ 如 果 這 個 高 度 本 地 化 的 譬 喻 , 沒 有 Downgrade 這 兩 副 國 際 品 牌 的 話 。
你 是 星 巴 克 黨 , 還 是 太 平 洋 那 一 派 ? 還 是 你 的 選 擇 , 只 是 Between 翠 華 和 新 釗 記 ? 即 使 翠 華 和 新 釗 記 也 不 一 樣 的 , 翠 華 無 論 怎 樣 草 根 , 也 有 點 像 謝 霆 鋒 , 而 新 釗 記 , 畢 竟 是 杜 汶 澤 。
一 個 二 元 的 世 界 有 許 多 學 問 , 這 是 美 國 人 發 明 的 : 有 士 尼 , 就 有 環 球 片 場 ; 有 可 口 可 樂 , 就 有 百 事 可 樂 ; 有 麥 當 勞 , 就 有 Burger King 。 下 次 進 店 , 想 清 楚 , 今 天 的 心 情 , 是 比 較 Starbucksian , 還 是 Pacific-like ? 既 生 怡 , 何 生 俐 , 不 要 嫉 妒 這 個 旗 鼓 相 當 的 對 手 , 那 是 上 天 對 你 的 挑 戰 和 眷 顧 。



多謝 a!!!
Source: http://shallwetalk.blogspot.com/2007/04/mass-customization.html

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

What does it mean?

Source: Fortune Magazine, April 30, 2007

Google (no.241) has 11.6% of the revenue of IBM (no.15) -- and a higher market value.

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IBM ranked first

Per International Association of Outsourcing Professionals (IAOP), IBM was ranked first of IAOP Global Outsourcing Leaders, with strength in size and growth, and services across CRM, HR Management, IT & Communication Management

Source: Fortune Magazine, April 30, 2007

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

one favourite restuarant with one favourite utensil

agnes b. le pain grille has opened its second restaurant in Causeway Bay, and they are using my favourite utensils 'staub':

i have the mini version of this one:



= 乾收銀
= 顧 (住) 問
= 簡單問題複雜化
= 解決事情問題化
= 尋找答案無聊化


practicing or retiring?

when a told me tonite not to worry... i was in fact wondering about myself, if i'm a practicing or retiring consultant... :)


Friday, April 20, 2007

Golden Hammer Rule

When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

for my record...


Jamie is on again...

Jamie is on again... don't miss it if you are like me and enjoy cooking programmes :)

btw... 'ever wondered about food' is also on at 20:30 every Monday on Pearl:
Source: www.tvb.com

Ever Wondered About Nuts 知飲知食 (9 Apr 2007)
Nuts have been nibbled the world over since dinosaurs roamed the earth. Nuts were presented to Joseph of Technicolour Dreamcoat fame, and travelled to the moon on Apollo 14 as a space snack. We look at the changing fortunes of the nut from vegetarian staple to boho-chic. The pub nut, once shunned for being fatty and salty, may gain a new lease of life as research shows that nuts can lower your cholesterol and help you stay slim. Paul uses these nutritional powerhouses in a recipe for Zanzibar Chicken, explains the science behind a delicious almond tart and shows how to make a quick and easy classic Italian pesto.

Ever Wondered About Sugar 知飲知食 (16 Apr 2007)
Sugar occurs naturally in almost everything we eat, and we love it so much that we east an extra 150 million tonnes of the stuff every year. Find out how to make the ideal meringue, why sugar is the perfect preservative and what transforms sugar syrup into a golden honeycomb. Paul explores how to satisfy our sweet tooth without losing our teeth and why forgetting to wash your hands can lead to some amazing scientific discoveries.

In case you don't know, Paul is referred to Paul Merrett, who was trained under Gary Rhodes at The Greenhouse in London, following his apprenticeship at The Ritz and three years working with chef Peter Kromberg at Le Souffle. Since then, Paul has established a reputation for classic British cuisine with an Asian twist and his cooking was awarded a Michelin star whilst at Interlude in Charlotte Street. Paul then worked for several years as Head Chef at The Greenhouse where he received another Michelin star but then left to open his own less formal restaurant, The Farm in Fulham, London. Paul has made several TV appearances, including co-presenting BBC2's primetime series, 'Fresh Food,' and appearing on 'Great Food Live' on UKTV. He co-presented the BBC2 primetime series 'The Best,' with Ben O'Donoghue and Silvana Franco in 2002, with an accompanying BBC book also entitled 'The Best.'
Source: http://food.itv.com/feast/main.php?section=paulmerrett



there are times when i feel most strongly how my language inability/ incapability/ undercapacity fails me... mostly when i need to write my assignments...
and when i am impressed by the nature...

i just came back home by minibus... the weather was still fine when i got on the minibus... but when the minibus stopped at the minibus-stop before mine, i found that people at the busstop were blown by heavy wind, and they ducked their head as if they were escaping from something... i thought it was sand, dust or something like that, and then the minibus moved on, and i started seeing the raindrops hitting on the window pane... within less than 5 seconds, the sky was pouring watering onto the ground, and it came with VERY strong wind... i immediately got my mini-umbrella out, had my backpac on both shoulder, the laptop bag on my left shoulder, and ready for my stop...
the wind was so strong with the rain that i couldn't move forward to my building... instead, i went to the nearest building pillar and hid behind it... the pillar helped sheltering most of the rain, fortunately; but i could see and hear the rain pouring on both sides of the column at 45 degree to the ground, and people on the street gave up using their umbrellas because the wind was so strong... a guy had been waiting at the column with me, and his dad came to pick him up with a huge umbrella, but it's of no use, thus both were stuck behind the column with me...
i didn't mind too much about getting wet, but it was the wind that scared me, at its peak speed, i didn't think i could keep myself on the ground, and the busstop signs were starting to fall onto the ground...

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Sunday, April 15, 2007


恭喜, 劉青雲!


70 pills of antibiotics

hopefully i can kill it after taking 70 pills of antibiotics...



have the tv on to have some 'sound/noise' at home while struggling with my assignment...
tvb is playing the same song like 5 times a day, as frequent as the medication i'm taking at the moment...
the melody is classic k-song, and the singer is THE joey... i didn't catch all the lyrics, but these five words catch my attention: 失戀不怕多
沒有得不會有失, '失戀不怕多'該是說不要怕開始戀愛吧...
生命重要的是過程, 戀愛也如是, 戀過已經得到過, 失戀, 又何怕多呢?

wu liao guo le, better go back to my assignment... x_x

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have been diving into my overdue assignment... x_x


Thursday, April 05, 2007

my kid size adidas

I didn't plan to buy them at all, but then I came across the children's shoe shop Shoebox which was on sale... they carried these @ HK$245, and had my size... so...

Another pair of work shoes, it's a bargain-price performance indeed!!!


my mikli x starck glasses...

notice something is missing from the glasses?
