wu liao

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Germany trips - 1st day 20070924 - flights

23 Sep 07 23:05 flight from HK to Munich

Typhoon signal no. 1 was hoisted in the evening. When my flight LH731 took off, it was raining outside. I almost fell asleep right away. When I first woke up for the drink, my nose started acting funny, so I took the nose allergy medicine. Then I fell sleep again, but managed to have a little dinner and breakfast in between. Originally planned to watch Mr. Bean’s movie, but when I woke up in between meals, the movie was already on, so I gave up and fell insleep again… :P
After breakfast, it’s almost 04:30 in Germany time, I could see the stars in the sky, and one was especially bright… would it be 北極星? There were also clusters of lights down under. The lights looked so static that I thought everyone was still in bed or getting ready for work at home. However, when the plane flew above a highway, there were actually trains of car going opposite directions.

Arrived at Munich airport at 05:30, I took one of the ‘all nationals’ queue for passport check. The one before me was a chinese guy and somehow the immigration officer asked him a lot of questions, and I saw that the immigration officer made a gesture towards me, apparently asking if I was with him… :o

After several more questions, the officer finally let the chinese guy go. Then it was my turn. He asked a few questions, wanted to see my return ticket. I offered to tell him I work for xxx and voila, he let me go. Not sure if it’s because of the magic word or not… :P

Went to the shops here, everything is expensive and nothing inteseresting… the calling card no. doesn’t work for phone line or mobile, and there is no free internet… they do have WiFi, and if I had a HK CSL account, I could get connected – not sure at what costs though… :P

I have been watching 8 Femmes by the gate… It’s 07:55 and my flight to Nuremberg will set off in 55 minutes… :)



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