wu liao

Friday, November 23, 2007

Germany trips - 20071122 60th day - 人算不如天算

My original plan was to skip dinner tonight... but on my way back to the hotel, i came across this truck... the word "Hax'n" caught my eyes. hax'n means knuckle... the pig knuckle i have been searching for... and my original plan started to sway...

i came closer to the truck, and there was already a queue of ~ 5 people... so i queued up and observed what were being sold... a queue is always useful for me in germany because i have time to look at the menu -- even though i don't know most of the words on it, and i can observe what and how people in front of me order... my usual trick? use my finger to point to the 'thing' the person in front of me just bought and say in english 'can i have the same, please?' if the person behind the booth understands a little english, that's perfect; if s/he doesn't, at least s/he understands my finger... :)

as much as i want to have hax'n, i ordered half chicken instead, because
1. i'm not really hungry but the hax'n is really huge (see the 4th pic, bigger than the whole chicken in the 5th pic)
2. that's what the person in front of me has ordered :P

the half chicken is not small either, but it's yummy... :D
so no more dinner-skipping tonite... :P

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