wu liao

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


下次應該見 COO 了


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

follow my heart

the direction, i thought, is very obvious...


final round...

final round tomorrow in kowloon...

see what will be waiting for me..



okee.. today we try to have the interview in tst ymca during lunch time.. let's see if it will materialize..


Monday, April 28, 2008


went early to central, had a wee pear juice @ mix while refreshing my memory with my own cv.. went to the reception to get a visitor pass, went to 35/F via the lift, then took 3 elevators down to 32/F.. waited at the reception for a while, then waited in the meeting room for a while, and then the secretary came in and told me my interviewer, the head of x & yy, called in sick... great!

maybe a signal to me that the other opportunity is really the one..


Sunday, April 27, 2008





will have a formal interview tomorrow morning at 08:30... the last formal interview i have had should be 18 months ago, when i had my interview for the current job...

the agent 'tipped' me that the interview will be harsh to me, to imitate the demanding hiring manager... well... i didn't say anything to the agent, but then i don't think i have to tolerate unacceptable manner / behaviour...

we'll see... :)


Goren point count method of contract bidding (2)

Responses to Opening 1 no trump bids:
Raise to 2 no trump with 8 or 9 points (or 7 points with a good five card suit)
Raise to 3 no trump with 10 - 14 points
Raise to 4 no trump with 15 - 16 points
Raise to 6 no trump with 17 or 18 points
Bid 3 or a suit, then 6 no trump with 19 or 20 points
Raise to 7 no trump with 21 points

A response of 2 Clubs show 8 points or more, at least 1 four card major, and asks partner to show a major suit

A response of 2 Diamonds, 2 Hearts or 2 Spades shows less than 8 points and a five card suit

A reponse of 4 Spades or 4 Hearts shows a long suit (6 or 7 cards) with less than 10 points in high cards

A response of 3 in any suit shows a hand with 10 or more points and a good suit

Responses to 2 no trump bids:
Raise to 3 no trump with 4 - 8 points
Raise to 4 no trump with 9 points
Bid 3 of a suit and then 4 no trump with 10 points
Raise to 6 no trump with 11 or 12 points
Bid 3 of a suit, then 6 no trump, with 13 or 14 points
Raise to 7 no trump with 15 points
with a five card major suit headed by an honor, and 4 points, bid that suit at the level of 3
Show any six card major suit
Bid 3 Clubs with 4 points or more and a four card major suit
This bid asks partner to show a major

Responses to 3 no trump bids:
Raise to 4 no trump with 7 points
Raise to 6 no trump with 8 or 9 points
Bid 4 Diamonds, then 6 no trump with 10 or 11 points
Raise to 7 no trump with 12 points
Show any five card suit if the hand contains 5 points in high cards


Friday, April 25, 2008

Goren point count method of contract bidding (1)

Ace = 4 points
King = 3 points
Queen = 2 points
Jack = 1 point

26 points will normally produce game (for a minor suit game 29 points will be required)
33 points will normally produce a small slam
37 points will noramlly produce a grand slam

Opening bids of 1 in a Suit
In opening bids of 1 in a suit the value of a hand is determind by computing the high cards held and adding:
3 points for a void
2 points for each singleton
1 point for each doubleton

13 point hands are optional openings. Bid them if convenient
14 point hands must be opened

a 3rd hand opening may be made with 11 points, or even a little less, if a fairly good suit is held
1 4th hand opening should be made on 13 points, even though no good rebid is available

An opening demand bid of 2 in a suit requires:
A good 5 card suit with a minimum of 25 points
A good 6 card suit with a minimum of 23 points
A good 7 card suit with a minimum of 21 points

Do not make an opening pre-emptive bid on any hand containing as many as 11 points (exclusive of distribution)

Opening No Trump bids Count High Card Values only. No points are given for distribution
Opening 1 no trump - 16 - 18 points
Opening 2 no trump - 22 - 24 points
Opening 3 no trump - 25 - 27 points


原來... (2)

原來... N年前我自掏腰包參加的outward bound course 盛惠 $2,900!!!


原來... (1)

原來我曾經有一個pager... no. was 110221447... nice number...


Wednesday, April 23, 2008




Monday, April 21, 2008


兩個獨當一面的女歌手 -- two unique female artists of my generation

作詞:周禮茂 作曲:李迪文 編曲:杜自持

鬧哄的約會告終 感覺驟變空
空似是街邊的風 凍或還是痛
擁抱著晚風 怎算是抱擁
不敢在心中洶湧 你臂胳你面容
算了吧 吧 沒結果 沒結果
或許我是野花 偏你是野草
怎再又裝作不知道 你亂懷亂抱
知道又怎麼 你一笑我便醉倒
不要又心中洶湧 你眼眸你熱唇
想你是我 想你是我麼
不過又心中洶湧 你氣味你汗滴
想起你的是我 想起你不是我
長夜過 長夜過
Oh my baby Oh I want you back Ooh-oh...
I need your love Ooh-oh-oh...

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

Career woman?

am i a career woman? everyone in the office said i am...

well, i must have been working hard in the office...

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another old song...

love comes naturally, but it requires efforts to maintain...

相愛很難 (梅艷芳/張學友)

女:最好 有生一日都愛下去 但誰人 能將戀愛當做終生興趣
男:生活 其實旨在找到個伴侶  面對現實 熱戀很快變長流細水

*女:可惜我 不智或僥倖   對火花天生敏感 
男:不過 兩隻手拉得太緊 
合:愛到過了界那對愛人   同時亦最易變成一對敵人 

女:也許相愛很難   就難在其實雙方各有各寄望   怎麼辦 
男:要單戀都難   受太大的禮會內疚卻也無力歸還 

女:也許不愛不難   但如未成佛昇仙也會怕   愛情前途黯淡 
男:愛不愛都難   未快樂先有責任給予對方面露歡顏 

女:得到浪漫 又要有空間 
男:得到定局 卻怕去到終站 

合:然後付出多得到少不介意豁達   又擔心 有人看不過眼*

Repeat *

合:無論熱戀中失戀中  都永遠記住第一戒 別要張開雙眼


Saturday, April 19, 2008

a 18-year old song...

listening to the songs written by 林振強... a song caught my ears... it's 劉美君's 事後... the song was written 18 years ago... and the lyrics are so 'open', even in the standard nowadays...


作詞:林振強 作曲:杜自持

飄浮 如夜那般半睡潮浪之中
輕輕輕飄浮 浮在那舒暢內和微濕中
疲倦了 懶理秀髮披面龐
含著笑 再吻吻你的汗
毫無重要 懶理世界的轉動
回味 亦覺精彩
千個浪 又像喝彩撞來
曾全部 受你主宰
回味 亦覺可愛
想起你 在我之內
曾全部 為你張開
此刻心頭 紅像你火吻後而紅的肩
無話句 卻說了我甘願意
全無後悔 我愛徹底的體驗
我願意明夜 仍是再有這麼一天
