wu liao

Friday, April 25, 2008

Goren point count method of contract bidding (1)

Ace = 4 points
King = 3 points
Queen = 2 points
Jack = 1 point

26 points will normally produce game (for a minor suit game 29 points will be required)
33 points will normally produce a small slam
37 points will noramlly produce a grand slam

Opening bids of 1 in a Suit
In opening bids of 1 in a suit the value of a hand is determind by computing the high cards held and adding:
3 points for a void
2 points for each singleton
1 point for each doubleton

13 point hands are optional openings. Bid them if convenient
14 point hands must be opened

a 3rd hand opening may be made with 11 points, or even a little less, if a fairly good suit is held
1 4th hand opening should be made on 13 points, even though no good rebid is available

An opening demand bid of 2 in a suit requires:
A good 5 card suit with a minimum of 25 points
A good 6 card suit with a minimum of 23 points
A good 7 card suit with a minimum of 21 points

Do not make an opening pre-emptive bid on any hand containing as many as 11 points (exclusive of distribution)

Opening No Trump bids Count High Card Values only. No points are given for distribution
Opening 1 no trump - 16 - 18 points
Opening 2 no trump - 22 - 24 points
Opening 3 no trump - 25 - 27 points



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