wu liao

Saturday, May 31, 2008


以為是 PLAN A -- 更新了證件們, 送走了非a的身外物, 開始減輕世俗牽掛...

到頭來... PLAN B 現正進行中...

怎能算? 誰能算?

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countdown from tks / qb

second time to leave this place in 56 calendar days:

minus 8 saturdays, 8 sundays, 2 public holidays, and 6 days of annual leave, as well as 1 day in GZ and 3 days in SH...

i'll only be in tks / qb for 28 more days...

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another 2 hours...

of UAT issue review on friday morning and we still haven't gone through the whole issue database..


Thursday, May 29, 2008


with the 3.5-hour-meeting on UAT issue review... x_x


Wednesday, May 28, 2008

upward management

wish i were better at upward management...

but then, everyone told me i'm/'ll be much better off from now on...

can't be too greedy, man...


Monday, May 26, 2008

one milestone reached

one milestone reached, regardless what will turn out..


Sunday, May 25, 2008

girlfriend vs. better-half

i never like being called girlfriend.. and never want to be a girlfriend of somebody's..
one can have multiple girlfriends (or boyfriends) at the same time, and it's just a term to distinguish on a relationship scale higher than friend and lower than mistress / wife... the term doesn't even imply the commitment it used to associate.. it could be a role just physically more intimate than a 'friend', or a role as close as a wife without legal implication, and without exclusivity...

i like the term better-half/worse-half.. half & half equals to a whole.. if u r half and s/he is half, you two become complete.. it doesn't matter whether the two are legal bound or not, 'coz better half is beyond this boundary, it's even out of a relationship scale because you two are a complete one, instead of two people having a relationship..


Friday, May 23, 2008

it could be an important day...

on one hand, a contract draft will be sent to me for review...
on the other hand, a negotiation will be started...


Wednesday, May 21, 2008


having the blog opened for hours, having a lot in my mind, but don't know how to start...


I-kee stock statements...

tidying up my home and found i-kee stock statements:

01-12-13 USD 120.25 (!!!)
02-03-14 USD 106.60 02-06-13 USD 75.60 02-09-20 USD 63.92 (!!!) 02-12-16 USD 81.62
03-03-14 USD 79.00 03-06-16 USD 84.50 03-09-16 USD 90.29 03-12-17 USD 93.40
04-03-15 USD 91.82 04-06-16 USD 90.38 04-09-15 USD 86.37 04-12-16 USD 97.45
05-03-18 USD 89.28 05-06-15 USD 76.30 05-09-15 USD 80.01 05-12-15 USD 83.53
06-03-15 USD 83.38 06-06-15 USD 78.56 06-09-18 USD 82.24 06-12-14 USD 95.36

those were the days...

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臨門一腳... 收到的動議不達標... 教我怎麼接受?


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

random pricing

currently i'm worth 100%, then i can be worth 12.02% more... the latest one i can be worth 7.5% more on top of that... what's my real worth?

from the first 100 to 12.02% and further 7.5%, what are the decision criteria in between? why do i feel insulted?

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everything has a price...

price can be tangible, or intangible...
is it always a zero sum game?

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Tuesday, May 13, 2008

every one has a price...

who can name mine?

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every one has a price...

what is mine?



"being" leaves traces / marks in your life and in others, the most obvious thing is that skin is no long white and smooth with time...

life is no longer a piece of white paper, there are memories, there are write-offs... even if i use pencil on it, eraser can't erase the traces of having been written...

knowing is knowing, experience is experience, you can't un-know a person or un-experience a situation, it's happened, it's there...

somebody says, you are a summation of your experience/past
somebody says, i think, therefore i exist

痕跡, 可以是很浪漫的; 痕跡的國語讀音比廣東話好聽; 痕 - 沒有烙印那麼深刻... A trace, a shadow: 春夢了無痕 vanish like a spring dream without a trace;月影花痕 the shadow of the moon and flowers -- http://humanum.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Lexis/Lindict/ 跡 - traces, impressions, nothing tangible,

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Friday, May 09, 2008



第三個機會突然出現, 不是特別好, 但也有吸引的地方...


Monday, May 05, 2008




Friday, May 02, 2008


驛馬星會帶我到有幾高, 有幾遠呢?


really the last round... i think...

should really be the last round... a telco.. not my faviourite way of communication, needless to say, or for interview, especially when the interviewer is COO...

wish me luck.. but what is luck? luck to get it or not to get it?


more or less...

Luke 21:1. He looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the treasury, and He saw also a certain poor widow putting in two mites. So He said, "Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all: for all these out of their abundance have put in offerings to God, but she our of her poverty has put in all the livelihood that she had."

replace $$$ with love, and the truth still holds...

the question is.. in absolute sense, are you satisfied with 2 mites?
