(para 38) The nutrient profile of fried rice with egg white and dried scallop(瑤柱蛋白炒飯) was a bit different from other fried rice dishes. Its totalfat, saturated fat and cholesterol contents were lower than other fried ricedishes. However, its sodium content was still high (2100 mg/unit).
lessons learned for middle management: don't take side esp. in public when senior management fights, no matter which side wins, you have lost... don't blame the senior management you supported doesn't back u up... he has his own problems to deal with.
wanted to talk about it for a week... and still got no time to sit down and write a thesis on it... too bad... a classic case for a thesis on failur of managing change... talked to my boss about this news the day right after it got cover page on the newspaper: doesn't it sound familiar? the type of company, the characteristics of management, the kind of resistance... i wish i have a Tien in my company, or at least, in my division...
got delayed by a phone call this morning, so took a taxi to my improvement appointment... the driver had a radio programme on which the presenter was giving advice on buying/selling shares (adopted version): 主持: 幾時買的? 聽眾: XX買的... 主持: 幾錢買的? 聽眾: $4.5買的... 主持: 買了幾多? 聽眾: XX股... 主持: 唔... $4.7 放啦... 應該可以到價的 聽眾: $5.1 得唔得呀? 主持: 你想... 口羊? 聽眾: 唔係, 問吓口者... Remember there is another radio program on which the presenter gives advice on love (adopted version): 主持: 幾時識的? 聽眾: XX識的... 主持: 點識的? 聽眾: XX識的... 主持: 他一腳踏兩船幾耐? 聽眾: XX... 主持: 唔... 跟他分手啦... 聽眾: 唔分得唔得呀? 主持: 你想... 口羊? 聽眾: 唔係, 問吓口者...
2 friends haven't updated their blogs for quite some time... one of them used to update it every day/nite... and then found out that both were sick and hospitalized... wish them all the bset and get well soon... in this sense, blogs are like the annual christmas cards that some older generation use to communicate with each other, to let each other knows that 'i'm still alive'... a and t, please take care...