wu liao

Sunday, April 30, 2006

doze-free lecture

haven't been to a class in which i didn't doze off once or twice, but I haven't closed my eyes (except for blinking purpose) at all for 2 consecutive classes by Dr. Coldham, and the subject of the clases is LAND!!!!! Unimagninable!!!!! :o (for those unfamiliar to the LLB subjects, Land Law is notorioulsy known as one of the most, if not THE MOST, boring and difficult and uninteresting and testing subjects... )
exhausted though after the 3-hour class... (-.-)Zzz...

Friday, April 28, 2006

down 1 more, 2 left

Once upon a time, there was a department. It had been running for a hundred years. In the 2nd half of the 100th year, they added two new teams with the aim to transform the department and eventually the corporate. A team lead and a manager were hired for Team B; A team lead, a manager and an officer were hired for Team C...
After nine months, both team leads quitted the company. The following month, Team B's manager handed in the resignation letter...
was this a survival game? for the remaining Team C manager and Team C officer, would they survive? who would leave first? when would they leave? what would happen to them?
... ... ...

Thursday, April 27, 2006


couldn't believe whom i came across today... YT was in my office this afternoon!!!!! I was so excited I told my i friends about it!!!!! I knew about YT when I first joined i, very capable, very powerful, good looking, and very nice. She was my big boss' boss. Never had a chance to talk to her during my life @ i, and then after all these years... :D :D :D
oh man, when little fan met her big idol, things happened. She was meeting my current boss in the meeting room, and i was planning how to 'bump' into her and introduce myself... i didn't know my heart could beat so loud and so fast (and i was just in the planning stage of meeting her), and i couldn't help grinning to myself... :'> :'> :'>
kept turning my head to see when the meeting door opened, and when it did, i rushed to the door and called her name to catch her attention. She looked a bit startled that someone in this office knew her, i guess. I told her I was in AC/MW's team in the past and spent over 2 years in H project. Those were the good old days...
and little fan got a souvenir, too -- her business card!!!!! i didn't bring mine (thought about it but felt really awkward & dropped the idea), so she asked me to write her a email to keep in touch... though it might be just common business courtesy, little fan of course seized the opportunity and obliged with pleasure...
\:D/ \:D/ \:D/


aiya... Yu-Tsui is in my office right now!!! :o :o :o
I'm her little fan... aiya... what should I do?

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


一個外籍朋友參觀敝 blog, 問我 wu liao 是誰... 嘗試用英文解釋, 但小女子才疏學淺, 查網上漢英字典, "無聊"的英文是"nonsense", "bored"... 無理由跟朋友說敝 blog 又 no sense, 又 boring 口架... ... (真係口甘都唔好話我知... :P)

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

30, 32, 31...

昨天晚上到尖沙嘴晚膳, 往後去了德發買外賣牛丸以便做牛丸米午餐便當... 夥計本來說不賣, 因為老闆已經走了, 不明其中邏輯, 但不賣便不賣罷... 正轉身離去, 他問: "要幾多呀?" 趕忙回頭以問題回答問題 (典型顧問技倆) : "點賣口架?" 他說: " 50蚊啦" 唔明,但直覺覺得不太便宜, 再問: "有幾多粒口架?" 不知是否太溫柔, 他聽不清楚, 竟回應: "啊, 100 蚊呀?" 嘩, 推銷高手, 不宜久留, 50 蚊便 50 蚊罷...跟著旁觀的夥計丙插口: "有30 粒啦"
阿叔執丸的時候, 突然又說: "送多兩粒俾你啦" 大大話話都送口左$3.333... 價值的牛丸口架!!!
不過回家一數, 只有31 粒, 一粒不知所蹤, 成為懸案(還是騙案?)...

Last mile to final year LLB exams

31 days after, i'm going to start my final year llb examinations... please pray for me...

Monday, April 24, 2006

For those who manage the household

Meant to share a long time ago... finally re-triggered by 茗's Park'n Shop receipt:

If you are a frequent shopper @ supermarkets like Park'n Shop, Wellcome, Great, Taste, Gourmet, Citysuper, CRVangaurd and DCH Food Mart, JUSCO (aiya... no Oliver's tim)... and loyal customer of department stores like Harvey Nichols, Lane Crawford, LCX, Marks & Spencer, FACES, SOGO, Seibu, Seiyu, Sincere, Wing On, Yue Wan, UNY... ... ...
SC Amex has 8% cash back wor... don't miss it... (of course, terms & conditions apply, but still a good deal)

Saturday, April 22, 2006


This week's HK Magazine has a same size insert called 'Point' - The Hennessy Men's Style Journal 01. Its topics include 紐約漫遊, Spring Menswear, Be a Man, Cognac / Gadgets / Party...
A Bono Lee writes about Be A Man, quite interesting, will talk about it more if and when I have time...



Project Runway

Watching Project Runway right now... looking at 12 creative aggressive proud stubborn fashion 'designers' trying teamwork, man, it can't be worse...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

原來 cool 都有罪...

met with a little friend... she looked awful... she told me she just had a long meeting with her boss, and her boss first threatened to fire her, then said she would draw up improvement plan with her, which would be filed in her staff personal file (P-file), if no improvement is to be seen, warning letters will be written...
among the accusations from the boss, one complaint was that the little friend looks calm & cool at work, while others look much more 'passionate'... 即所謂嫌她欠缺幾錢肉緊...
原來 cool 都有罪...

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

鐵樹, 珍重!

這兩天, 把我七棵鐵樹中的兩棵交托給兩個友人... 希望它們在他們的照顧下快高長大, 開枝散葉, 健健康康...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


It's now 15:30, my big big boss has already turned off the light and locked his office door for a brief meeting on 1/F and then dinner at Grissini at 19:30... good choice of restaurant... :)...

Male Girdle

Triumph marketed two different types of "long girdle" -- one from the navel to the knees, and the other a "hip hugger" version to be worn with low-waisted pants. (Reuters)


interested parties can contact Y to see if he's got discounts... ;)


都市日報報導, 有調查發現四成受訪青少年(13 - 23 歲)表示自己沒有需要改善的地方, 而其中六成人解釋, 這是由於他們不知道如何改善和有甚麼需要改善...

算罷啦, 如果你問中年人, 可能八成會表示自己沒有需要改善的地方, 而他們只是知而不肯改, 不是不知道要改甚麼...



A, 大家年紀大喇, 通頂這玩意, 久不久一次也嫌太多... 保重保重...

Monday, April 17, 2006


am i the lucky few? i can't remember ever being scolded by any of my bosses...
when i was told the young fellow commented his boss 係又鬧, 唔係又鬧, 問口野都鬧... the first question came up in mind is 係咪話你兩句你就當人鬧你? of course, i'm sure and i have seen bosses who scolds people habitually. however, at the receiving end, there are also people, especially the younger generation, 係唔俾人話得口既...
my 10 cents: 俾人話先至會大得快...

Sunday, April 16, 2006


(to protect a young fellow's identity, please don't guess or try to confirm who he is...)
a young fellow has been in his new contract job in an international firm for 2 months... he told me he's planning to leave:
- he doesn't see his boss or fellow colleagues talented;
- he learns nothing from the job - most of his time is spent on photocopying;
- his boss scolds him no matter what, even when he asks questions;
- his team members are all contractors and they don't support one another -- they don't even talk so he is like working in a library;
- he said the culture of the company ( or at least that of his department) is not agreeable to him;
- he said he is an early sleeper and the long hour of photocopying leaves him over time to do his real work and he doesn't have enough personal time for his study of the coming professional examination in June...
he's earning 5-digit monthly salary... he's had only 1 year of previous working experience and is now titled xxx analyst...
my reaction is: is it really that bad? is it really that unbearable? is there really no turnaround regarding the team and/or the boss and/or the situation? if he were to support the family, pay his own rent, support his ownself, would he so easily think about quitting? is it just he, or is it the new generation that 受不得苦?
p.s. is it really 苦? if i were to be paid 5 digit number to photocopy, would i not 'lur farn ying'?

Friday, April 14, 2006


天氣清涼, 爽!


到青松仙苑探望太爺, 女麻女麻, 和五嬸.. 發現女麻女麻的靈位已搬到太爺左邊的隔一個位子, 女麻女麻跟太爺中間留著一個空位, 是爺爺買下來留給自己的...
很久沒有摺金銀元寶, 喜見兒時手藝還純熟... :)

Thursday, April 13, 2006


聽聞有江湖嫌跑江湖的領班開天殺價, 決定自行招兵買馬, 招賢納妾(!), 跑江湖的, 留意留意...
(注:江湖事層出不窮, 事情發展如何, 各安天命)

Pre-Long-Weekend Syndrome

not that there's nothing to do: had meeting with Head of HR yesterday afternoon and there is a list of to-dos which i need to report progress on after the long weekend, so basically i have only today to work on them (i have passed the phase of working on weekends, at least until i finish my examinations...)
but the pre-long-weekend syndrome is so prevalent on me that i just can't stop blogging... :P :P :P

Assignment overflow

after months of struggle, i have finally submitted my first assignment which has been overdue since 20 Jan... congratulate me...
now i have to finish one more overdue assignment and have it marked before 26 april to fulfill the pre-requisite of sitting the examinations in june... wish me good luck...
and then i'll need to start working on the final overdue assignment after all my examinations to complete my first term... wish me all the best...

Project Name

A company has been using SunAccount system for years, and its Finance department has got approval to change to a supposedly more powerful financial system... so the 'creative' Finance department management team thought for a name for this project: Project Sunset!
(p.s. they did adopt the name for a while, luckily, the head of Finance banned it when he saw it... whew!)


the lesson-learned from this case for your kids? if you wanna be bad, you still need good english, man....

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


these days, i keep forgetting the things i wanted to post onto the blogs. Talked to myself several times when a topic popped up in mind, 'gotta post it onto the blog.' but when i'm looking at the laptop screen, i forgot what i wanted to share...

Saturday, April 08, 2006


三十年, 終於等到了, 但有實力的滄海遺珠, 還有很多...
三十年後才終於到手, 還是意難平吧...
獎, 從來都是令人又愛又恨的東西...


以前沒留意, 剛剛在香港電影金像獎聽到她的表演, 驚為天籟...
忍不住問 m, 我是否老了? :P


乘地鐵, 對面有一家人, 爸爸忙著看蘋果日報, 媽媽目不邪視讀明週, 大約十歲的小女兒埋頭苦幹翻著不知甚麼雜誌... 寧靜的一家人, 愛閱讀的一家人... 我想, 香港這樣的家庭不少吧, 希望你不是其中一份子...

Friday, April 07, 2006


以為已忘, 乍現, 還留一絲戚戚, 更茫然...


The Operating Support Group, including HR&A, is moving to another building round the corner on 1st June. With a new office, the Head of HR has just announced some rules that the staff need to adhere:
- Only 3 personal belongings can be put on the desk: calendars, photo frames and a mug... (so no tissue box, no snacks, no life-enlightening decoratives, no goods from sample sales...)
- No hanging of coat/jacket/scarf on the back of the chair... every cubicle will have a hook for staff to hang the coat, if your winter overcoat is too long, too bad...
- No hot food in the office: so if you want to take lunch box, you need to take your lunch box with you, take the lift to the ground floor, walk on the street for ~150m, go back to the original building and enjoy it on the 1/F there...
The intention of these rules are tidiness and cleanliness in the new office, which is understandable, but in the expense of a staff-friendly and fun working environment with pesonal touch? well... the decision makers do not bring lunch box, and everyone of them has an office with a closet... do they care the needs of the staff?