wu liao

Friday, June 30, 2006

My SIGG collection

I have the ocean blue version of this:

I have this dark blue one:

I have the dark blue version of this...

besides, i have a 0.3/0.4 dark blue version, a patterned 0.6 version, another 0.6 elephant version and an insulated bottle of SIGG... :D

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sharapova et. al

If you have fans of Russian female tennis players including Maria Sharapova, look out for the programme Anna's Army at 20:30 on Pearl next Monday... Quite impressive, according to Pearl Highlights (http://pearl.tvb.com/highlights/20060703.html#08:30p.m.), only one Russian woman was ranked among the World's Top-30 players in 2002. By 2004, they constituted half of the Top-10. These young rookies also won every major event: Wimbledon, the French and U.S. Open.

Animal Face Off

Pearl has an entertaining programme called Animal Face Off. The programme involves zoologists, animal trainers, wildlife vets, animatronics designers, biomechanical engineers, computer animators, etc. In each espisode, they pick 2 kinds of wild animals, analyze their anatomical differences, build metal replicas, perform bio-mechanical tests and then end with a dramatic cyber fight. It's more entertaining instead of scientific or educational, but the comparisons do widen my horizons. For instance (source: http://pearl.tvb.com),
1. Lion vs Tiger - lions live in Africa and tigers live in Asia. However, the world's last population of Asiatic lions lives in the Gir National Park in northern India, only 200 miles away from the nearest tigers.
2. Saltwater crocodile vs Great white shark - The saltwater crocodile is the largest reptile on the planet. The great white shark is the world's largest predatory shark.
3. Wolf vs Cougar - The cougar is a highly specialized hunter with a whopping 85% hit rate. Wolves have a hit rate below 10%, but a single pack will catch and eat almost 45 tons of meat each year.
4. Hippo vs Bull shark - Hippos are reported to kill more humans than any other animals in Africa. Bull sharks are blamed for more attacks on humans than any other species of shark.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

lose-lose team-building game

I'm looking for a lose-lose team-building game... the morale of the game should be that if one team loses, the other team doesn't really win, the two team should collaborate so as to have a win-win ending... any thought?

CM wanted

My company needs someone to take up my responsibilities so that I can do something else... I am in a dilenma... but I think I'll just let my friends i.e. you know anyway... take it at your own risk...

Vendor can be late, too...

Our scheduled full-day demo session today was supposed to start at 09:00, but first the vendor was late (although we requested him to arrive 15 minutes in advance) and now he still hasn't finished the set up... ~_~

Gotta work hard again...

Time to start my assignment... here is the topic on 'Managing People':

Part 1: Describe and review the approach to the management of HR in your organization in order to determine the level to which the different elements of HRM both support the strategy, and encourage the effective performance, of your organization.
Part 2: Based upon your review, analyse, review and justify the critical factors that most, and lease, support your organization’s strategy (stated or inferred) and employees’ performance.
Part 3: Take one critical factor that least supports performance of the organization and individuals and outline your recommendations for improvement. You should clearly identify the benefits your organization (or department) can expect from your recommendations.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

pee & poo

the latest hit plush toys:

World Wealth Report (10th Anniversary Edition)

Merrill Lynch and Capgemini just released the 10th anniversary edition of World Wealth Report. This report aims at understanding better the needs of High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs). HNWIs are defined as people with net financial assets of at least US$1 million, excluding their primary residence and consumables. In 2005, there are 8.7 million of people qualified as HNWIs, with a total wealth of US$33.3 trillion...

So, with simple calculation, the average wealth of a HNWIs is US$383million...
Friends, if you are a HNWI, see if the report does address your needs... ;)


處身冷冷空調的辦公室, 吃著冷冷的冷麵, 手指頭兒都冷得冰冰唷...

Why is it only Thursday?????

why is it only Thursday????? There's still one and a half work day to go... :(

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Cold Noodles

Now that the management forbids staff to have hot food within office area... I have tried having a week of sandwiches for lunch... later this week, I'll try cold noodles for a change... these days, I had therefore bought different kinds of cold noodles, sauces, and ingredients and tried them out at home...
I never ordered cold noodles when I dined out... and this was the first time I home-made cold noodles... surprisingly, so far so good... :)


I'm an INTP... and you?

Sunday, June 18, 2006


美女廚房是少有能令我開懷大笑的節目, 很佩服參加者處理蟹呀,墨魚呀,田雞呀, 的勇氣, 小女子甘拜下風...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Life is a sketch for nothing

milan kundera says in the unbearable lightness of being, "He (the protagonist) remained annoyed with himself until he realized that not knowing what he wanted was actually quite natural.
We can never know what to want, because, living only one life, we can neither compare it with our previous lives nor perfect it in our lives to come....
There is no menas of testing which decision is better, because there is no basis for comparison. We live evertyhing as it comes, without warning, like an actor going on cold..."

Friday, June 16, 2006

without a trace...

Friday lunch, I went to Mei Foo 'drink tea' with 4 other colleagues. One of them was responsible for choosing dim sum, and the only gentleman in the group gave her his Mont Blanc to check the order sheet. As you could have guessed... the girl didn't know it was a really nice pen belonging to him and just left it somewhere...
By the time the pen owner remember about his pen, it could no longer be traced... the lunch was only HKD47 per head, but it might very likely be the most expensive work lunch for him... ... ...

Thursday, June 15, 2006

High GP business

Latin dance teaching: ranging from HK$650/hour to HK$150,000/month to HK$120,000,000 for 10 years...

霍金:女人較宇宙更難了解 (明報 2006-06-15 17:00:09)

Thank you Mr. Hawking, I take it as a compliment! ;)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

What makes you special?

Ex-company gave a forum on innovation this afternoon at conrad... the 'slogan' on the forum folder is 'what makes you special?'

General Manager mentioned the book The World is Flat... I understand that it's not the first time he mentioned about it... I wonder if there's any connection between the book and/or the author and my ex-company... so I did a google search...


I went to my ex-company's forum this afternoon and learnt from one of my ex-colleagues that the email address I used to use there is in use again!!!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


告訴友人我 '(口尋)晚一點(目訓), 今朝三點起身'... 乍聽, 好像睡了很多... 其實, 是時侯上床補補了...

滾, 正!

曲:雷頌德 詞:林夕編:雷頌德 監:雷頌德

女: 你控訴我 接吻接上癮 密密外遇 令你很痛恨 你呷醋呷上癮 膽敢 去諷刺我 不愧是女人

男: 平時和人 如何尋開心 捏著浴巾 去擁抱別人 苦苦的啞忍 離開你 合 : 沒要緊

女: 你作個證據 再對我教訓

男: 和他搞公司 是你蝦我笨

女: 我放棄奮鬥你至安心

男: 跟他幾點鐘 方有著快感

女: 堂堂男人 別太過份

男: 如何纏他 我當顧問

女: 何必於一起 沒半點信任

男: 三天不見了 談何被信任

* 女: 睡就睡 男: 你作對 女: 你喝醉 男: 請不必屈我喝醉

女: 梳化都給你割碎 男: 全都因你衰 *

# 女: 睡就睡 男: 你說對 女: 你撤退

男: 跟他好一對愛侶 我走開你沒負累

女: 請你滾 滾出去 男: 你愛滾不配做人 爬出去

合: 鬼上身 趕不退 男: 我有信心不怕行雷 合: 看心虛會是誰

女: 你去 男: 認罪 合: 然後看死你落淚 #

女: 從未了解你 男: 我偏太縱寵你

女: 我也太縱你 男: 你當我已死

女: 別日夜在妒忌 男: 假得你

女: 我也有吻過你 男: 是為著好奇

合: 天都知 你與我 誰人有理 男: 天天想你 女: 才叫你妒忌

男: 彼此躲避 女: 自卑的你日嘈夜嘈調情亦無味

男: 終於嘲笑我 我愛你不起

Repeat * #

男: 和人愛吧抱吧吻吧叫吧去吧舞吧 還是算吧

女: 酸吧苦吧哭吧飲吧湯吧癲吧 別要醒吧

男: 早已輸了不怕不怕不怕不怕 隨便對他笑我如何小家

合: 咒吧 女: 你不化

男: 憎你 憎我惹起對罵 女: 講真因你極小家

合: 你使我羞家羞家真羞家

Repeat #

女: 再見 男: 不見 合: 誰又有空再受罪

女: 再見 男: 分居 合: 無謂吻傷我味蕾


今天得到各方(包括北方, 南方, 中方等等) 的密友, 摯友, 良友等等送來問候及恭喜, 暖暖的縈繞在心頭... :">


Finally completed a milestone an hour ago... hopefully it's the end of it... but I'm always prepared for the worst, that I might have to go through the whole process again... just thinking about this possibility gives me headache... ~_~ Another milestone will be coming in Aug/Sep... but before that, gotta pamper myself today... so here I am, at a beauty salon, waiting for the treatment to start...
Time to lie down... ;)