wu liao

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Personal wealth? Social wealth?

29 Sep 1986: Fortune quoted Warren Buffett saying that a very rich person should leave his kids enough to do anything but not enough to do nothing.

10 Jul 2006: Fortune quoted Warren Buffett that he and his wife never thought they should pass huge amounts of money along to their children. Their kids are great. But he would argue that when your kids have all the advantages anyway, in terms of how they grow up and the opportunities they have for education, including what they learng at home -- he would say it's neither right nor rational to be flooding them with money. In effect, they have had a gigantic headstart in a society that aspires to be a meritocracy. Dynastic mega-wealth would further tilt the playing field that we ought to be trying instead to level.

26 Jun 2006: Warren Buffett, the world's second-richest man, signed a letter of commitment that will eventually turn over most of his fortune--some $31 billion--to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.


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