wu liao

Thursday, March 29, 2007

pricing strategy

the company sent me a magazine renewal letter. The offer is as follows:

- 2 years + 1 year FREE (75 issues in total), only HK$1,382.00
- 1 year + 1 year FREE (49 issues in total), only HK$780.00

at first glance, 1 + 1 seems a better bargain than 2 + 1...
per year, 2 + 1 costs $460 while 1 + 1 costs $390
per issue, 2 + 1 costs $18.4 while 1+1 costs $15.9

who in the world will pay more to commit to a longer period at a higher per unit and per year price?

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Free or not free???

copied from a bank brochure:

'Cardholder and his/her companion guests can enjoy free services of food & beverages / hot shower / internet access / international newspapers & magazines / international tv channels at exclusively hk$125 per person (Original Price: hk$250).'


Monday, March 19, 2007

looking forward...

to hkiff... :)


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

business trip epilogue


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Friday, March 09, 2007

business trip to HQ (14)

there is one thing i like here... the grid style paper... they have grids on flip charts... they have grids on notepads... it's functionally helpful and cosmetically enhancing, too... why don't we have that in hk?

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business trip to HQ (13)

people drive here... it's not surprising, since as mentioned, i have never seen a bus, minibus, or mtr here, not even taxis where you can hire on the road -- you will have to call for one and it takes time for it to come to pick you up...

the cars here are not toyota or nissan... but audi, volkswagen, and BMW... is that the result of patriotrism?

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business trip to HQ (12)

boss took me downtown in between meetings yesterday... came across a shop that carries the brand of watch that i'm wearing... but since he was with me, i didn't go in and check prices...
then went to stationery shops and found the writing instruments that i use... this time i bought a few and my boss followed me and bought one for his older kid and one i guess for his wife...

it's really those quiet towns that you feel comfy wandering around, but living there? all shops close at 18:00 and all day sunday... i don't see cinemas (not that i go to the ones in hk often), theatres (ditto), karaoke (again, i haven't been there for ages, but at least i can go if i want to), shopping malls, ... but they have forests, they have rivers, they have lakes, they have rabbits, they have deer, they have fresh air...

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business trip to HQ (11)

finally, my day to go back home... hurray!!! hurray!!! hurray!!!


Thursday, March 08, 2007

business trip to HQ (10)

it's 08:30 on 8 March 2007 (Thursday)... 2 degree celcius, foggy outside, can't see beyond 100 metre... sun is shinging but no warmth from it... as it's shadowed by the fog...
and i'm going to leave the hotel and walk to the office... freezingly cold...


business trip to HQ (9)

with the very tight schedule, finally found a time to shop at the a factory outlet last night. The difficulties for me are:
1. the factory outlet is not within walking distance
2. there is no bus, metro, mtr, minibus
3. i can call taxi, but they only speak german
4. thus i need someone to drive me there and drive me back
5. every day my meetings/workshop ends at 17:00 or 18:00, while the outlet closes at 19:00
6. i need a staff discount card from german counterparts to get staff discount, and i don't have a german counterpart

finally, with all these difficulties overcome, i had ~ an hour to shop there, and the things there are SOOOOOOOOOO expensive. The black lifestyle shoes and the yoga pants that I bought in HK could be found at the staff discount floor and they were more expensive that what i had paid... i originally planned to buy Y3 at the outlet since we don't have discount in HK even as staff, but the Y3 style there were just 'mai ng lok sou'... so were the a-porsche cross-over... or stella

and then i went to the public floor, where i could get 30% off the marked price... the outlet is so huge that i didn't have time to go through the whole floor, secondly, the price only goes to a more 'normal' level in my opinion with the staff discount, without the staff discount, they are just unacceptably expensive... even with the staff discount, i still find a lot of them expensive... :o

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

business trip to HQ (8)

the schedule in HQ is just as packed as that in HK, and takes more time to travel from one office building to another -- they are not within walking distance, so i need to take the shuttle bus which runs every 45 minutes...
10:30 -11:00 meeting a (got postponed at the last minute)
12:00 - 13:30 meeting b on financial shared services
14:00 - 15:30 meeting c on financial system
15:45 - 16:45 meeting d on treasury
17:00 - 18:00 meeting e on strategic planning & analysis
08:00 - 08:30 overseas call f on system implementation project
09:00 - 17:00 workshop on process management
08:00 - 08:30 overseas call g (didn't work out)
09:00 - 17:00 workshop on process management
08:00 - 09:00 meeting a on controlling (waiting for confirmation)
09:00 - 10:00 meeting h on working capital
11:00 - 12:00 meeting i on organization entity
13:00 - 14:00 meeting j on change management
14:00 - 15:30 meeting k on culture & communication
16:00 - 18:00 meeting l on process publishing
09:00 - 10:30 meeting m on facility management
12:00 to airport


business trip to HQ (7)

The hotel I am staying in is up on a little hill, and the little town there has no high-rise... therefore, when i look out from the window, there is nothing blocking my view and i can see the far end of the world where the sky and the land meet...
Because of the jet-lag, i wake up at 02:xx, 04:xx, 05:xx every morning... this allows me to see the sunrise... with the different layers of colours of the sky: white, pale yellow, orange, a shade of teal, pale blue...
The weather here is like 1 - 12 degree celcius, it is indeed not too cold (a bit surprising for me) despite the low numbers... i can even open the hotel room window and let the fresh air in with just a long-sleeve tee on ... but at night, it is really chilly...
I can see a lot of stars at night, which is something rare in hk city (of course, if you are staying at the suburbs of hk, you may be able to see them more often)... the stars are so bright, and so close to you, and the moon is hanging low in the sky as well, very big, round, and in pale yellow...

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

business trip to HQ (6)

besides the care of skin, the care of mind is as important... thought for a while what book(s) to take with me in this trip, and finally decided with these two:

佳廚名食 - 江獻珠,陳天機 (珠璣小館飲食文集)
股壇解碼器 - 香港經濟日報

First of all, the two books were not bought because of the trip. The gastronomy one was part of my gastronomy/cuisine-related collection of books. I have been buying books written by 江獻珠, because I like her writing style, and the proper Chinese (instead of Cantonese-writing), and am impressed by her knowledge and experience in gastronomy.

As for the second book on stock market... i'm a late comer, but i feel it's time for me to start looking at this field to add value to the little savings that i have... there are a lot of books on the stock market at the moment, but i don't like those that quote stock numbers... or giving theoretical 'tips for investment', such as 'buy low, sell high' etc. This book by Hong Kong Economic Times seems to suit my needs... of course, the fundamental reason of the relearning now is that i didn't work hard (or at all) in my Finance 101 n years ago... :P

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business trip to HQ (5)

another important pre-trip task is packing the skincare products, one for check-in; and another for hand-carry... the check-in one is easy, more like a routine to me... however, for the hand-carry one, i need to adjust my spec with the new security requirement... i used to have cleansing water, face/eye/hand cream, lipsticks, hydrating mask, face spray, etc. for long-haul flight... thus the night before, i studied the requirements on the web:

(Source: http://www.lufthansa.com/online/portal/lh/hk/info_and_services/baggage?l=ka&nodeid=1768481)


藥物及特別食品(例如嬰兒的液體食品) 如需在機上應用,無須載於袋內攜帶,然而上述物品也必須在保安檢查時出示。上述物品及膠袋如未能符合有關標準,將不准帶進機艙。類似的規定已於2006年9月29日於前往美國及在美國接駁的航班生效。

各項免稅品,如在歐盟機場或歐盟航機上購買,例如在德國漢莎航空的航機上購買的免稅品,須放入一個密封袋內攜帶,並證明為當日購買 (聯號的航機並不適用);所用袋子要在銷售點密封。

(the following doesn't apply to my trip this time, but it's just interesting to read it...)

以下規定適用於從英國往德國或途經英國的乘客,但不適用於從德國前往英國的乘客,因為該航機將沿用標準規定。現乘客許攜帶一件手提行李登機(尺寸為56 x 45 x 25 厘米)。此外乘客可額外攜帶一件樂器當作手提行李的。手提行李袋內不得載有下列物品:
化妝品或香水,包括啫喱類物質、糊狀物、乳液、液體/固體混合物、香水及壓縮容器及其內的物質 - 此等物品必須放入寄艙行李。


一個手袋、腰包或小包 (或者手提電腦袋) 及其所載物品

尖銳及鋒利的物品 (例如剪刀、摺刀)
鈍器 (例如棒球桿)

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business trip to HQ (4)

nowadays, when we travel, we can usually have all the songs in ipod (the big one, the mini one, shuffle, nano) and we can play it directly or via iTune with the laptop.
however, since my company's desktops or laptops are set up in such a way that they block all application download (including acrobat upgrade, for instance)... therefore i cannot have iTune in my laptop, thus cannot play the songs in my ipod nano with laptop speakers...
so, one of the very important pre-trip tasks that i needed to do was to download songs from my home harddisk to the loan laptop (if you remember, i don't have a laptop...)
the good thing of this is that i am able to pick some old old songs, such as norah jones, eason's, sandy lam's... :)

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business trip to HQ (3)

didn't sleep well last night, and woke up again at 04:xx this morning, turned on the media player and is now listening to my favourite Norah Jones' two old albums: Come Away With Me, and Feels Like Home. Among them, Cold Cold Heart is still my favourite:

Source: http://www.lyricsfreak.com/h/hank+williams/cold+cold+heart_20064082.html

I tried so hard my dear to show that youre my every dream.
Yet youre afraid each thing I do is just some evil scheme
A memory from your lonesome past keeps us so far apart
Why cant I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold cold heart

Another love before my time made your heart sad and blue
And so my heart is paying now for things I didnt do
In anger unkind words are said that make the teardrops start
Why cant I free your doubtful mind, and melt your cold cold heart

Youll never know how much it hurts to see you sad and cry
You know you need and want my love yet youre afraid to try
Why do you run and hide from lies, to try it just aint smart
Why cant I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold cold heart

There was a time when I believed that you belonged to me
But now I know your heart is shackled to a memory
The more I learn to care for you, the more we drift apart
Why cant I free your doubtful mind and melt your cold cold heart

her latest album is Not Too Late... give it/her a try, if you haven't listened to her before :)

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Monday, March 05, 2007

business trip to HQ (2)

there are one boss and 6 colleagues in the team i'm in in HK... and for today (monday) and tomorrow, there will 0 (zero) person in my team in HK office... my boss, myself and another colleague are in HQ right now, and the rest will be visiting guangzhou office for two (and three) days... what a travelling bunch (although we are not supposed to be!!!)


business trip to HQ (1)

taking the flight to frankfurt, transfer to nuremberg, and take a taxi to the corporate hotel, door to door takes 19 hours... and i have felt tired right from the beginning of the trip... luckily i could still sleep on the plane, but my nose was not agreeable even though i had taken the allergy pill at the beginning of the flight... i had no mood or spirit or energy at all to watch The Guardian or Rocky Balboa (not that i'm interested in them anyway), or even Open Season (which i was interested but too tired to watch)...

sunday flight was never fun, but the good thing is i could have a sleep in the hotel before the monday work, which i need as there are 5 meetings on monday waiting for me... good that one will get postponed to another day, so only 4 now...

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Went to Skyplaza on Sunday morning...
In the past, you could only get off on the left from the Airport Express Train at the Airport station... now, you could go either way: left to Terminal 1 and right to Terminal 2.
I went to Terminal 1 first and then walked through a tunnel to Terminal 2 to go to Skyplaza... the tunnel is really unattractive -- low ceiling, 'leung' colour', very 'chinese' posters to sell the Skyplaza...
Burger King and Famiglia are having opening promotions of 20% off all food... ordered double whooper with cheese and bacon meal set from the former and pepperoni and famiglia special pizza from the latter... the pizza is great, pepperoni is better than the famiglia special one, personally i found the famiglia special one with too many toppings, while the pepperoni one has excellent sauce... highly recommended... with the 20% off, if you buy the 16 inch (the only size available) pizza, it's around $88 only, even cheaper than pizza hut :P
