wu liao

Friday, October 12, 2007

Germany trips - lunch with a colleague from HK

A small world... before i left my ex-company, a colleague there heard that i was leaving for my current company and she told me her sis was working there, too, but in Germany...

When i was in germany in march, i sent her a email but we didn't have a chance to meet...

When i knew about my exchange in August, i sent her a email again and she happened to be in HK... so we had coffee downstairs and had a chat...

This week, we finally met at the stripes, the canteen at my office complex (she works in another building NOT within walkable distance), and we chatted about life here...

so good to talk in Cantonese again... :)

Here are some sharings:
1. magazines from HK are very precious, 'coz you will not be able to find them here (thus i immediately called my colleagues in hk when i was back to my office and told her to collect magazines and pass to the two gentlemen who are coming over the week after :)
2. bread is expensive here... the 1 euro hotdog i got from lubeck train station is RARE... 3 nurberger sausages in bread costs 2 euro at the booth on the street (i.e., not even a shop)
3. petrol is expensive here, and the petrol station is self-service (and next week will be the first time in my life to fill up a gas tank)
4. the frozen pizzas here are tasty... unfortunatley i do not have an oven in my apartment to bake them...
... more to follow when i remember them...



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