wu liao

Thursday, August 31, 2006

After 3 years...

After 3 years of taking long hours of classes after work and on weekends...
After 3 years of dozing in more than half of those classes...
After 3 years of spending sterling pounds after sterling pounds...
After 3 years of using most of my annual leave for exam preparation...
After 3 years of sacrificing my annual European trips...
After 3 years of buying grandes in Kosmo or Starbucks and then studying for hours there...
After 3 years of writing hundreds of pages of notes...
My dear friends, I have passed my final-year exam and will be awarded the LLB, and even with Honours!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks all of you who have been encouraging me during the tough & rough times, supporting me when I was unsure about myself, bearing with me my nagging and complaints and sighs and blablabla... Man, I can pack ALL my LLB materials away now (yes, I did worry that I could not pass thus I still have the textbooks, notes, cases and statutes in front of me in the living room)!!!!!!!!!!


  • then did you have 牛柳粒窩蛋飯?

    By Blogger mokee, at 11:01  

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