wu liao

Friday, October 12, 2007

Germany trips - 19th day 20071012 - lunch @ McD

the conference call ended earlier than scheduled, so i rushed for the 12:00 company shuttle bus to go to the outlet. One of the reasons is that since the HK colleagues are coming over, they may help me bring back my shopping, if any... :P

Searched for my favourite salomon shoes there, but they are not really inexpensive... I can get them at similar prices in HK, so I left early and went to the McD opposite.

Based on my last breakfast experience, I would not have gone to McD again... however, the HK girl here told me at lunch this week that this McD is owned by our company... and with my staff card, I can buy any food, even a small french fries, and get a free drink...

so i went there, bought a chickenburger with chilli sauce @ 1 euro (promotion like those $5 and $8 in HK) and got a 500ml sprite free... next time i should try if i can get a hot chocolate free... :)

Finally, I waited for 12:45 company shuttle bus to go back to the office without hurting my wallet at all... :)



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