wu liao

Tuesday, February 28, 2006





Friday, February 24, 2006


人到/過中年, 還不能躋身二十七萬的一份子, 無話可說...

Thursday, February 23, 2006


富貴蛋白乃滿記甜品一個絕好的選擇, $26, 比$30 的杏仁蛋白便宜 (雖然還是挺貴的...) 內裡的乾坤其實只是煮溶的腐竹+蛋白... 淡淡的甜, 清清的, 滑滑的, 主觀意願以形補形, 吃完後白白滑滑, 清清甜甜 (雖然甜品名字改得挺俗的)...

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


chatting with a friend about my health / diet plan...
my comment is -- I'm focusing, just not implementing...


since the 牛丸米 was posted, I haven't been able to eat any... :o
Day 1, I went to HKU for 牛丸米... after having ordered and paid at the cashier, the food booth told me that 牛丸 were all sold... fortunately, 米 was still available, or else, McDull event would happen on me...
Day 2, I went to 翠華, remembering that they have a kitchen booth making 河, 粉, 麵... guess it's quite safe that I could have my 牛丸米 of the day... with shock... when I order with confidence '一個牛丸米, 唔該'... the gorgor told me 翠華 doesn't carry 牛丸: '牛丸唔好食口架'... !!!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


跟我熟的人都知道, 如果到港式粉麵檔吃東西, 我只會叫凈雲吞, 或者凈魚皮餃... 對甚麼粉呀,甚麼河呀, 甚麼麵呀, 甚麼線呀, 都沒興趣... 但是, 自從看見友人在中大甚麼甚麼地方作減重療程, 效果顯著, 探其內容, 其中一個部分就是每天吃一個牛丸米, 為期一個星期... 好像不太難唷... 也可當'清腸胃'... 我喜歡吃白粥, 但是好的白粥難求, 我想, 好的牛丸米應該比較易找吧...
已經吃了兩個晚上牛丸米, 分別在港大飯堂, 還有尖沙嘴的永豐, 好像港大的比較好吃... :)


自情人節消聲匿跡, 只因沈迷於法律的書香裡... 我想我大概有病了...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

the only flower

this might be the only flower i'm going to get for this valentine's day...
the sweetest thing my boss' boss ever done: one rose for each female colleague in the HR office...

30% off @ starbucks

this month is LLB month, with 14 classes out of the 28 days in February... the good thing about having class @ HKU is that i can enjoy 30% off @ starbucks there (with any one of the following cards: HKU library card, HKU student card, HKU staff card, HKU alumni card, SPACE student card etc.etc.etc.) ... $21 for a grande green tea frappacino, $14 for a cheese mushroom penne pie, $17.5 for finger sandwich (tuna and mayonnaise)... can't beat it... :D :D :D

Friday, February 10, 2006

Executive floor

this morning around 10:00, an amah came over and announced that the 大秘書 of 大老闆 said he is back in town and will pai lai see this morning, so different divisions' heads started organizing their own teams to line up and go to the top floor of XX Tower to bai nin with 大老闆 ... there are colleagues working in other buildings around the block, so they have to queue up on the street to come up... it's heard that the whole cheung sha wan road is full of our colleagues, marching towards XX Tower...
i'm luckier as our team is on the 4th floor of the same building, so our team just walked up 7 storeys and wait for our turn...
the office is huge, the natural light is beautiful, even the secretary has a cubicle 4 times of our size, and there are 4 secretaries there, each has her own printer, fascimile, scanner, copier, etc...
given such a small potato as myself, it's the first time in my life i came face to face with the 大老闆 ... our first ever conversation is meaningful as well
大老闆: 開工大吉
小薯: 萬事勝意
... ...


last time i went to schnurrbart... should be a time when all the old buddies there still under BCS, including myself...
it's the first time I had pig knuckles without the presence of A... he's the one who introduced me to the delicious taste of pig knuckles... and then every time I had pig knuckles, A was there... not that I had tried a lot of them though... so far... I have only had them @ schnurrbart and sorabol (TST branch)... but since A has other priorities and goals, I believe it will be a long time before I can enjoy knuckles with him again...
but to continue the ritual... this week, I dragged a friend who didn't really fancy pig knuckles to convert him @ schnurrbart... given we both have small stomach... I didn't order the mixed sausage platter, which is another favourite of mine...
the pig knuckle was just as hot, as big and as delicious as I remember, the skin as crispy, and the sweet mustard as fantastic... we almost finished the whole jar...
寄語A: 去年今天Schnurrbart中, 人面豬手相映紅, 人面已往米記去, 豬手依舊熱烘烘

Monday, February 06, 2006

3 years or 4 years?

an ad on pearl channel to promote valentine's day:
a consultant: how long have you been married?
(simultaneously) the wife: 3 years the husband: 4 years
and then there is silence... the husband, to break the ice, points at the cheese on the table: oh... cheese... and picks one up and puts in his mouth
another silence, the husband sighs...

1. why is the husband so sure that he is the one who is wrong? why do we, the spectators, quickly assume that it's the husband who's wrong?
comments from a male friend: it doesn't matter whose answer is wrong, the fact that the husband is saying something different from his wife is wrong enough...

2. in fact, i can't remember who says 3 years and who says 4 years... assuming the husband answers a longer term than his wife, is he more wrong than saying a shorter term?
scenario a: wife- 3 years; husband- 4 years -> is he feeling 度日如年?
scenario b: wife- 4 years; husband- 3 years -> the husband can 'mend the wok' by saying 快樂不知時日過?
comments from a male friend: again, it doesn't matter whether the husband thought he got married longer or shorter than the fact or than what the wife thought, the fact that the husband is saying something different from his wife is wrong enough...

second thought... he may be right... no no no... he IS right... 辛苦了, 男士們!

Sunday, February 05, 2006


小隊少女旅美回港, 分享大峽谷的短片. 因敝公司階級分明,我等小薯的電腦沒有光碟盤. 於是少女拿著小隊的唯一Laptop, 在我的cubicle 播放. 小隊頭目的cubicle 在我的左邊, 於是她只是站起來, 把手放在我們中間的partition, 探頭過來欣賞短片. 忽然, 頭目大叫一聲, 原來她的電腦桌面轉了90度, 不但是tool bar, 還有wallpaper和icons, 即全個畫面. 頭目當機立斷, reboot 電腦 (只因就算call helpdesk 求救, 他們的第一反應都是'你reboot部機先啦')
正如大部分的情況一樣, reboot並不能解決問題, 頭目call helpdesk求救. Helpdesk哥哥來到, 看到問題所在, 嘗試了一會, 便決定打電話escalate, 找到蔣生, 一下子就解決了, 我們在成功的一刻, 不禁歡呼數聲, 大叫'蔣生好勁呀'.
抱著好學的精神, 我問Helpdesk哥哥究竟頭目是怎麼可以令到電腦桌面轉了90度. Helpdesk哥哥也露出不解的神情. 他說, 理應不會不小心按到的, 因為是要同時按Ctrl, Alt跟右邊一個制. 更奇怪的是, 當時頭目的手是在partition上嘛... 我靈機一觸, 明白過來... 原來, 頭目不單有一個凸的肚臍,她有三個!!!
謎題揭開, 我本著follow through的精神, 再問Helpdesk哥哥他會怎麼issue這個log, Helpdesk哥哥說他會好好把它archive起來, 我說對呀, 我們要做好documentation的, 最好放在sharefolder 裡面... :P :P :P
此時此刻, 頭目已經笑的淚水也湧出來了...
後記: 頭目男友乃technical guru, 頭目作為一個technical lulu... 真是天作之合, 可喜可賀... :D :D :D

Friday, February 03, 2006


敝公司敝部門的已婚同事們非常自動自覺, 年初四,五,六開工大吉,走來走去的派利市. 話說本人已近(即還沒到) 姑婆之年, 在新公司周圍攞利市, 好像有點兒那個, 兼且groundwork沒做好, 不知誰嫁了誰未嫁, 誰娶了誰未娶, 還是正襟危坐的好. 幸好, 同事們利利市市, 我等單身人士自然大賣口乖, 圖個皆大歡喜... 恭喜恭喜...


read about 明洞Express and went there to try last nite...
it has a fast-food-store decoration, with one of the walls having multile 3-R photos of korean artists and stars and another wall with a picture frame of US$2 'straight-board', kind of 9-doesn't-match-with-8... :P btw... it's freezing and super-windy for half of the tables in the restaurant, better pick the ones near the entrance or you may catch a cold...
ordered stone pot rice with chicken, $40, tasted good, my friend orderd 'mun'牛肋骨飯, thick sauce, $50, tasted very well... each set came with the 蘿蔔湯, appetizer of 大豆芽菜 and 泡菜.
i guess the price is reasonable, given it's of the same standard of 明洞正舖, however, as I have tons of sorabol $100 coupons that can be used upon spending of $200 and above... I can have the same food of similar taste and larger portion with more choices of appetizers in a more comfortable environment @ $120, i believe sorabol is still my pick of of dining place for korean food until i finish up with those coupons... :P

電話﹕2730 1962

Thursday, February 02, 2006

CNY long weekend (6)

年初三, 赤口, slept till midday, so at least half day saved from quarreling with others...
fried another 半底蘿蔔糕 of another brand, and resumed playing with my sylvanian families...
how to play? i'm at the first step, so mainly putting stickers on 1 cm tall cola bottles, unpackaging 0.5 cm spoons and knives, making books and menus of 2 cm x 2 cm, assembling of0.5 cm toy blocks etc. etc. for my set (please refer to my previous article), there are over 200 pieces to take care... so i finished little by little day by day...
met an ex-colleague at habitu for tea in cwb... sitting outside on the balcony, nice weather, not too hot and no direct sunshine, a little breeze but not windy... perfect afternoon to laze around...
ordered a ginger souffle, which is good, and a mango milkshake which has little mango flavour...
chatted about work, family, friends, home... very enjoyable... :)
spend the night at home and watched 'ever wondered'... a highly recommended (by me) programme on pearl channel... it talks about a particular food every time, the chemical reaction it has in different cooking methods, and the different ways of cooking it... so far, i have watched about eggs, potatoes, chicken... details can be seen here:


and then here it goes my cny long weekend...

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

CNY long weekend (5)

年初二, 日值月破, 大事勿用, stayed at home till late... had a happy morning listening to 903, with So si fu fortune-telling the year of dog for ms. lo, mr. lam and mr. to...
fried 半底年糕, did a mask, and started to do what was supposed to do on nin 28: changed bedsheets and pillowcase and duvet cover; washed 2 machines of clothings, updated the booklist with new books and shelved them, threw away expired food and beverages, tidied up the magazines and threw away the not-worth-to-keep ones...
nice to know that 足球小將 is on jade channel in the afternoon... long time no see... :P
went to 英記 for hotpot at 21:00, all dishes @ $18 except the more expensive dishes (hahaha... just stating the obvious... :P), got take away with the leftover, too... including icy tofu, fun see, chinese lettuce and golden mushroom... :D
watched narnia after midnite... really don't like the kids in the movie... especially when compared to the virtue of the other forms of living...

CNY long weekend (4)

年初一, stayed at home till 13:30, fried 半底蘿蔔糕, finished all except a few pieces...
couldn't think of anything to wear, so just got dressed in what i wore on nin 29... same as m... had found a pair of ages-old levi's blue cauduroy jeans from the luggage and it somehow fitted again!!!!!
went all the way from the southwest tip of hk island to grandpa's, which is at the northwest tip of new territories... arrived at 15:00 with no serious hiccups, just missed a bus stop and walked a bit... as usual, nothing to do at grandpa's except 1. listening to the elders talking family stuff and 2. watching the kids playing 鋤大D, with the supervision and advice from uncle n, who is expert in the card-playing arena...
uncle n-1, auntie n-1 and their kids were still not in sight by 16:00 and somebody started to ask what time they had committed to arrive... and somebody answered that auntie 3 said they couldn't come until their kids woke up (目訓醒) - and their kids are university students, not babies!!!!! The 3 generations of the family were waiting for these two young men to wake up so that they could come to grandpa's and we could bai nin together to finish the rituals... men, if they were my kids, i would have 兜巴醒-ed them already... 開年唔駛擇日... >_<
one good thing... nobody asked me when is my turn to distribute lai see, they just ask me to take someone with me at the next gathering, and then next cny they will give him lai see even if he doesn't appear on 年初一... guys, interested? ;)

CNY long weekend (3)

修身,齊家, 治國, 平天下... so nothing has a higher priority than going to the self-improvement place: beauty salon. 美容室方一刻, 世上已一晝 i started my treatment at 10:00 and by the time i had my face masked, my lymph nodes circulated and my body oil-ed and massaged, it's past 13:30...
after the skin-deep renovation, rushed to my chinese doctor and had the last dose of chinese medicine before cny to heighten innerself...
by the time i got my skin-deep self and innerself improved and enhanced, went to look for a baby gift on behalf of the project team for the A-kee consultant who has been working with us from pre-pregnant stage to pregnant stage to the current post-pregnant stage... glad i already had mustela in mind... so just went straight to galleria and got the gift basket that meets our budget before it closes for the festive long weekend...
and then... with such delay, i went back home to 齊家 till past midnite... ... ...

CNY long weekend (2)

got up early on nin 29 to pass some cny cakes and snacks to a friend, had breakfast at yoshinoya, my favourite fast food chain store... tried their beef rice noodles with omlette and the 出前一丁公仔麵 with beef... and i found the one of lower price: beef rice noodles with omlette is more delicious... :D
btw... if you like yoshinoya beef, and hotpot... yoshinoya has a limited offer of $38 beef hotpot set... highly recommended... just the right portion for someone like me (not as large as 大家樂's) ... try try