wu liao

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

2 more days...

乍寒乍凍, 蓋了三張被子才止住那從心底裡發出的抖顫, 上班穿了背心羽絨加絨裡乾濕大衣才不用縮作一團... ~_~

Monday, November 27, 2006

4 more days...

又累又病... x_x

Saturday, November 25, 2006

6 more days...

6 more days...

Thursday, November 23, 2006


有人( 非自願地 ) 請我吃飯, 要回請唷! :)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

little details

watching monk, he will undo the last button of his jacket before sitting down and redo it after leaving the chair... doubt if the younger generation are taught about details like this...

Is it me or is it the sales people?

in the past, puchasing was mostly transactional... these days, the sales people started being conversational with me... mmm... mildly wondering...

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Per Fortune (Vol.154, No. 10, November 27, 2006), the stock price of my ex-employer was down 22.6% since Jan 14, 2000. On the same day in 2000, Dow Jones industrial average closed at 11, 723. As of November 7, 2006, it climbed back up to 12,156.77.

another good news

good news from dailo, congratulations!!!

Such a small IFC & CWB

at least 4 encounters today... :O

1: a primary + secondary school & classmate (forgot if we were kindergarten-mate as well) @ LC in IFC after 14:00, she remembered me and called my name, while i was totally blank for the first 15 seconds... apparently i haven't improved much in terms of appearance for the last n years *sigh*

2: (15 minutes later) one of the Executive Vice Presidents of my current company... i passed by my used-to-be pedicure & manicure place in IFC and she was just paying at the counter, my immediate thought was that i had made the right decision not to go there anymore (maybe if she knew, she would not go there either but upgrade herself to four seasons for services... )

3. (late afternoon) a university-mate @ the J-famous-for-handcare counter in SOGO, i passed by the counter and didn't see her at first, but k saw her and pointed her to me and we decided to leave the area

4. (after dinner) AK @ Basement 1 in SOGO, again, i didn't see her, but k saw her and we chatted happily for a little while...


hadn't gone shopping for a long long time, for instance,
- I hadn't bought any shoes for almost 2 years, not even slippers...
- I hadn't bought any work-bags for more than 2 years...
- I hadn't bought any suits for at least 3 years...
this evening, i went to cwb after class and incidentally spent 4 hours in Sogo!!! Conclusively, I bought none of the above, yet, I still 大出血 :p :p :p

one year old, babe wu liao!

Happy birthday to my baby blog wu liao! ^o^

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Pic of the Year

on Pearl channel in Dec - The Day After Tomorrow (2004)
- highly recommended!!!
I'm glad I have almost 2,000 books at home to burn... should be able to keep me warm for quite some time, if i hadn't burnt my flat and/or myself before all the books... :P

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


摘自<<新假期>> 第375 期第51頁:
倪匡話: "會唱衰港女的根本就係些無用的港男. 這個世界只有唔夠可愛的男仔, 邊有女仔唔可愛! 自己唔夠好都唔檢討, 仲要話人, 如果男仔係口力, 點會覺得女仔口力過佢, 怕口左佢咪就係無用囉!"

Monday, November 13, 2006


- 升了職但沒有請他吃飯的 - 不在此列
- 轉了工但沒有請他吃飯的 - 不在此列
- 新年沒有給他派利市的 - 不在此列

Thursday, November 09, 2006

First starbucks ever

my first starbucks drink (tall mocha today) during office hour ever since i worked in this company... and it's buy-one-get-one free...
already asked our dear angelic admin colleague to give us a stack of buy-one-get-one free coupons... now we can have half-priced starbucks until early dec... hurray!!!!! ^o^

Team of the Month

In each monthly staff meeting, there will be a team of the month which will be responsible for the programme, refreshment and ice-breaking. The previous teams of the month played hard and delivered tons of laughter based on TV programmes such as 15/16, beauty kitchen, and tvb soap drama. I was almost the team of the month in the coming month... so I talked to my team about what tv programmes we can use:

1. Without a trace (my most favourite) - i play the missing person and they try to find me
2. CSI - i play the dead person and they found out how i was murdered
and then the neighbour team member interrupted:
why not nip/tuck? you (i.e. i) play the patient and lie on the table for them to operate... ~_~

Glad the Dec staff meeting is now cancelled...

When they like u a lot...

it's like when you are at the top, there's only one way forward, i.e. going down... will it be like that?

Four different responses

Shared with my four lunch-mate colleagues (you know I would rather eat alone than eat with someone I don't prefer seeing/talking etc.etc.etc.... ) about my opportunity, and I got four different responses and all touched me:

- one caught my arm immediately, kept on swinging, and asked me like a baby sister to reconsider with her in mind
- one said maturely that she's happy for me and told me to not to skip this opportunity
- one had her eyes turned red and almost cried
- one advised sensibly about how to get the best of both worlds

four girls, four characters, all so dear to me... I'm blessed with these friendships that I treasure no matter what will happen in the future... (rhyme not intended)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Got another offer this evening...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


很久沒有有人要的感覺, 希望水到渠成... [-o<

Monday, November 06, 2006

busy monday

'style star' @ pearl, part overlapping with 'risk it all' @ world, 'doctor who', then 'csi: ny', which overlaps 30 minutes with 'lost' back @ pearl, then there is 'monk' and 'grey's anatomy' to choose after midnite... busy busy...

and just news from bj, there's 'house' @ 23:00 and then 'nip/tuck' @ midnite... just as busy... :P

Sunday, November 05, 2006


看著 '最緊要正字', 真的非常慚愧... ~_~


每逢看到那個 '有樣學樣 -- 一家人' 的政府廣告, 就想起 '家教' 這個久違的題目.
同事朋友們稱讚我有禮貌, 待人處事得體等等的時候, 我都認為這全仗父母的教導.
我常常想, 如被罵冇家教, 被罵的其實是爸爸媽媽, 這可不得了...

不過, 眼前所見, 我想這個概念已經在我之後的新生代中煙沒了罷...

xx* 話 (* xx = my name)

my colleagues told me the other day, i was quoted at various HR headcount sharing and cost allocation conversation within HR and between HR and business lines, e.g.
xx 話 mud mud mud ga... or
xx 話 ok ga... or
xx 話 gum gum gum wor... etc.etc.etc...

First, i haven't said anything that they 'quoted'; second, they still don't understand the concept and philosophy behind the new system; third, 佢地幾時咁聽我話?

Saturday, November 04, 2006


我每年會作一次例行檢查 -- 不是身體檢查, 而是流年檢查.
我不是聽話的孩子, 師傅的話我從沒跟足, 當年他對我感情的囑咐我便沒有聽從.
不過例行檢查還是要做的, 讓我可以作 informed decisions, 碰壁了, 也無悔嘛...

師傅話: 來年平穩, 無甚驚喜. 我每問一件事做還是不做 / 會不會發生, 師傅都說儘量不要做, 應該不會發生... 跟師傅說這樣子 2007 將會是一個悶年, 師傅說 no news is good news...

師傅又話: 2008 是我的好年, 可以轉工, 買樓, 拍拖, 結婚, 生仔 etc.etc.etc... 基本上做 mud 都得... 很忙唷...

不過, 每年我都忘記問師傅我的財運如何, 真笨!

who moved my cheese

Just borrowed the who-moved-my-cheese interactive multimedia learning programme from s. I read the book years ago, and I am planning of sharing what change management is with my current colleagues using this learning programme set, especially if I can leave the company, it can be served as a parting gift from me (not sure they appreciate my idea though... :P)... and if I don't succeed in leaving the company for the moment, this set will help me go through that every-team-leads-a-month thingy in my department...

Thursday, November 02, 2006


A formal interview after 18 months, it was a pleasant surprise... 感覺良好... :)

UAT Round 3 Day 2

it's getting worse... all the originally ok workflows don't work now, and the programmers in HK don't know what the problems are... the matters are now escalated to their Aussi headquarters, outlook is high risk... x_x